How to Kill Redheaded Flies
- 1). Remove clusters of the redheaded fly larvae and eggs from pine tree needles by hand. Toss the larva and eggs into a bucket filled with a 50/50 ratio of bleach and water. This mixture will kill them.
- 2). Put on a pair of chemical-resistant gloves to protect your hands from possible skin irritation.
- 3). Pour a pesticide approved for pine trees in a garden sprayer. Since certain patricides are concentrated, you may have to dilute the pesticide with water before using. Read the instructions printed on the label.
- 4). Spray the trunk, branches, bark and needles of the pine tree with the pesticide-filled garden sprayer. Only apply the pesticide on a day when the wind is calm and there is no chance of rain. Continue applying the chemical until the tree has a light coating of the pesticide.
- 5). Repeat the entire process 10 days after the initial treatment to kill lingering redheaded flies.