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Why Does Your Business Need a Backup Disaster and Recovery Solution?

This article ?rov?d?? information leading t? justifying ?n IT Backup Disaster ?nd Recovery (BDR) solution for your business. This information will provide awareness of data security and identity theft threats through recent enterprise data loss incidents. Finally, th? data loss statistics here will assist business owners and CTOs in decision making.

Recent Data Loss Incidents:

Here ?r? a few data loss incidents as reported from Open Security Foundation at th??r datalossdb (dot) org site. DataLossDB i? ? research project aimed at documenting kn?wn and reported data loss incidents world-wide. The site als? shows incidents of thefts ?f documents, tapes, laptops and other media leading to data lost. These incidents ar? m?re recent data losses by large enterprises w?th?ut a complete backup disaster ?nd recovery solution.

500 records lost ?n 2011-09-30 b? Blue Cross ?f Northeastern Pennsylvania, Penn Foster

1500 records lost ?n 2011-09-28 by Saint John Regional Hospital, Horizon Health

4,900,000 records lost ?n 2011-09-28 b? Science Applications International Corp (SAIC), Tricare Management Activity

19,500 records lost on 2011-09-26 by Florida International University

Here ?re a f?w statistics about data lost:

83% ?f businesses st?ll u?e vulnerable tapes ?r external disks for data backup. 35% of businesses w?th tape backup systems test their solution. Those who d? test find 76% d? work ?? ?pec?fied or fail.

60% ?f companies, who lose all or part ?f the?r corporate data th?s year, will go out of business with?n 6 months.

Over 50% of critical mission data ?s loaded ?n unprotected PC desktops and laptops.

Key ??us?? f?r data loss are:

78% Hardware or system malfunction - There ?r? t?o m?ny ?n expensive secured solutions today t? fully eliminate tape and disk backups.

11% Human error - Almost 5,000 laptops and PDAs were left in London taxis ?n 2007.

7% Software corruption or program malfunction - Software corruption ?r program error i? ?robabl? th? be?t kn?wn form of data loss. If th? PC doe? n?t boot ?ft?r th?s message, m?st users begin t? sweat...


an exception 0d h?? occurred ?t 0028:C0003C72 0000433F. This w?s called fr?m 0028:C0059854 00000F43. It m?y b? ?o?s?ble t? continue norm Press any key to attempt to continue Press CTRL+ALT+DEL t? restart your computer loose any unsaved information in all applications...

2% Computer viruses - Logical failure i? u?u?ll? caused b? corruption ?f the operating file system. Here, the BIOS ?an se? the hard drive disk but ?an't ?e? the data files. There ?re s?v?ral ways thi? ?an happen, including improper shut d?wn ?f th? computer ?nd computer virus infection.

1% Natural disasters

1% Other

Only 25% of users frequently back up their files, y?t 85% of thos? ?ame users s?? the? ar? very concerned ab?ut losing important digital data.

More th?n 22% s?id backing u? the?r PCs wa? ?n th?ir to-do list, but the? seldom d? it.

30% ?f companies report that the? ?till d? n?t have ? disaster recovery program in place, and 2 out ?f 3 feel th??r data backup ?nd disaster recovery plans h?ve significant vulnerabilities.

1 ?n 25 notebooks ?r? stolen, broken ?r destroyed ??ch year.

Today's hard drives store 500 times the data stored on the drives of ? decade ago. This increased capacity amplifies th? impact of data loss, making mechanical precision more critical.

You have a 30% chance ?f h?v?ng a corrupted file within a one-year time frame.

You c?n avoid thes? disasters with ? Backup Disaster ?nd Recovery (BDR) plan th?t i? monitored ?v?r? 15 minutes ?f ?v?r? day and alerts y?u t? ?n? potential problem.
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