About Accessories for Horse Bridles
- A bridle is a piece of tack that goes over the horse's head. The bridle includes both a headstall and reins, and is held together via several other pieces, including brow band, cheek pieces, throat latch, nose band and headstall. Sometimes a bridle also holds the bit. The bridle is a very important aspect of controlling any horse, and is used in every riding discipline.
- The headstall makes up the majority of a bridle. It consists of the brow band (piece that crosses a horse's forehead) and one of the straps that goes up over the top of the horse's head. It also incorporates the throat latch (piece that goes under the horse's throat). A headstall is not adjustable, so the size of the headstall dictates the size of the bridle. Although the headstall is the only set piece of the bridle, it also serves as the foundation for most of the accessories.
- Bridles and headstalls come in a wide variety of sizes. The first classification is generally pony/cob/horse (small, medium and large sizes). The second classification within the horse size is small/medium/large/extra large. Whenever you're purchasing accessories for a bridle, it's important that you know the size of your bridle, and the size of your horse. Accessories need to follow the same basic sizing if they're to fit your existing bridle.
- There are many additions for bridles. Some of these fall under the heading of equipment rather than decorations. Drop nosebands and flashes are secondary nosebands that attach to the primary noseband to help keep a horse's mouth closed around the bit. A pelham bit requires the addition of another strap under the horse's chin for security. A hackamore setup does not include a bit, but does use an alternate version of a noseband, which is heavier and usually made of rubber rather than leather.
- Some accessories are decorative as well as semi-functional. Manufacturers make both nose and brow bands decorated with beads and stitching. You may also put a fuzzy attachment over the nose or brow band: a tube of sheepskin that fits over the band and pads it against the horse's head. Fuzzies come in a wide range of colors and patterns. One decoration that is almost purely functional is the nameplate: a small brass tag that is attached to the body of the bridle to advertise the name of the horse or owner.
The Facts--Bridles
Funtional Accessories
Decorative Accessories