How to Trace a Cell Phone Number - Three Tips That Will Guarantee Accurate Results Every Time!
If you want to locate details about a person who you know by name, you can easily do a 'People search'.
This will tell you where this person lives and also the background of the person (criminal records etc.
But a people search will not help you when it comes to tracing a person using his/her cell phone number.
In this case, you have two main options.
Attention!!! Not all reverse directories out there are reliable! The Following three tips will help you recognize a good database that guarantees accurate results over and over
This will tell you where this person lives and also the background of the person (criminal records etc.
But a people search will not help you when it comes to tracing a person using his/her cell phone number.
In this case, you have two main options.
- Private Detectives - If you can afford to pay over $100 you can get the details you require.
However this method is extremely slow taking up to two weeks to get the information - Reverse cellular phone directories - When you compare with option number one, this is the best option.
It's fast, taking only 2 - 3 minutes, it's 100% confidential and you are given the freedom to look up as many numbers as you want.
Attention!!! Not all reverse directories out there are reliable! The Following three tips will help you recognize a good database that guarantees accurate results over and over
- Look at the size of the database - UN published a report stating that there had been 201 million cellular subscribers in the year 2006.
We can assume that the number of new connections would have soared high during that last few years.
A database having only 110 million will not offer you much - Is it a local directory or does it have cell numbers from all 52 states and all mobile phone companies?
- How up-to-date is the database they're accessing? - Companies that update their databases regularly are considered the best.
If you don't choose a service which updates subscriber information frequently, you might end up with outdated information.