How to Get Rid of Beetles on Zucchini
- 1). Check the zucchini plants daily to make sure you do not see beetles. The beetles resemble ladybugs in size, except that they are green with spots. If you see beetles, immediately proceed to step two to remove them.
- 2). Place the dish soap in the bottom of the glass jar and add approximately ½-cup of water. Manually pick the beetles from the zucchini plants and drop them into the jar. Work until you have removed all of the beetles you can find. Pour the beetles down a drain.
- 3). Cut a garlic clove in half so that you have two raw edges of the clove. Rub the raw edge of a garlic clove over every zucchini leaf and stem. The garlic repels the beetles.
- 4). Check the zucchini plants every day and remove any beetles you find using the method from step two.
- 5). Repeat step three every week to keep beetles away from the zucchini plants.