Are Moth Balls Dangerous to Cats?
- Mothballs are poison. They are designed and manufactured to kill the moths that eat woolen clothing using chemicals such as naphthalene, which has been connected to liver and nerve damage in people.
- The chemicals in mothballs becomes a gas at room temperature, giving mothballs their distinctive smell. But while the odor is offensive and dangerous, the ball itself is what's really deadly.
- Napthalene, which makes nearly 90 percent of mothballs, can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled as a gas, or swallowed.
- Signs of napthlaene poisoning include pain in the abdomen, seizures, vomiting, and diarrhea. Internally, the mothballs damage the blood cells, the liver, and the kidneys. Without treatment, coma and death can follow.
- If you think your cat has ingested mothballs, get him or her to the vet as quickly as possible; be sure to bring a sample of the mothball if possible so your vet can determine whether it is made of naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. Prompt treatment can make the difference in survival.
- If you need something to repel moths, consider natural alternatives, such as cedar.
Mothball toxins
Mothball Function
How Poisoning Occurs