Why Do People Get Hemorrhoids? The 4.5 Main Reasons
Hemorrhoids are not contagious.
They are an acquired environmental affliction, brought on by misuse of or poor care of the body.
50+% of people over 50 have the problem and are looking for a cure for hemorrhoids.
They most likely got them because of one or more of 4.
5 factors: 1.
Poor diet.
Too much low fiber processed foods, too much of your caloric intake in fats, and insufficient vitamins, minerals, friendly bacteria and phytochemical substances that your body needs.
This weakens the body and its tissues.
Hemorrhoids are just one of the results.
Most of us do not get enough of the beneficial substances that only come from whole foods and food supplements.
Therefore our bodies lack the building blocks to keep us strong and healthy.
We need to eat a healthy diet or take a lot of supplements to avoid these deficiencies.
Lack of exercise.
Our bodies are marvelous, highly adaptable and efficient machines.
If we don't use them enough, with both aerobic and strength activities and exercises, they deteriorate.
They lose capacity to maintain and regenerate themselves.
We lose hard healthy muscle tissue and add fatty flab.
Potbellies, "love handles", high blood pressure, hemorrhoids and other woes appear.
Lack of fiber in the diet.
This leads to infrequent bowel movements and hard stool.
Straining to pass hard stool does damage to rectal tissues.
Over time, this damage shows itself as hemorrhoids.
If you are not having 1-3 bowel movements daily, if your stool is hard lumps or difficult to pass, then you are not getting enough dietary fiber.
Oat bran, wheat bran, flax seeds, whole wheat bread and most vegetables can help.
Add dietary fiber until your bowel movements are frequent and your stool is soft.
Sitting too long in one position.
This tends to disrupt proper blood flow to posterior tissues, causing damage to veins and surrounding flesh.
It can lead to varicose vein effects and hemorrhoids.
If you must sit, move around.
Get up and move about frequently.
And/or get a very good cushion that does not disrupt normal blood flow.
+1/2 (0.
Getting pregnant.
[Only applies to the female half of the population, so it's only half a factor here.
;-)] Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy.
During pregnancy blood volume increases greatly, which can cause veins to enlarge.
The expanding uterus also puts pressure on the veins in the rectum.
Constipation can worsen.
Good diet with high fiber content can help.
Also avoiding sitting too long without good cushions will help.
In summary, whether you get hemorrhoids or not depends largely on how well you take care of your body.
Hemorrhoids are a manifestation of poor body maintenance, much as are obesity, type 2 diabetes, ulcers and a host of other too-common ailments.
Most of these, including hemorrhoids, can be avoided with a bit of "preventive maintenance".
Sure, it takes time, but remember, for the human body, "preventive maintenance" up front, is a LOT cheaper than the "breakdown maintenance" that you will almost certainly have to pay on the back end, if you don't maintain your body well...
They are an acquired environmental affliction, brought on by misuse of or poor care of the body.
50+% of people over 50 have the problem and are looking for a cure for hemorrhoids.
They most likely got them because of one or more of 4.
5 factors: 1.
Poor diet.
Too much low fiber processed foods, too much of your caloric intake in fats, and insufficient vitamins, minerals, friendly bacteria and phytochemical substances that your body needs.
This weakens the body and its tissues.
Hemorrhoids are just one of the results.
Most of us do not get enough of the beneficial substances that only come from whole foods and food supplements.
Therefore our bodies lack the building blocks to keep us strong and healthy.
We need to eat a healthy diet or take a lot of supplements to avoid these deficiencies.
Lack of exercise.
Our bodies are marvelous, highly adaptable and efficient machines.
If we don't use them enough, with both aerobic and strength activities and exercises, they deteriorate.
They lose capacity to maintain and regenerate themselves.
We lose hard healthy muscle tissue and add fatty flab.
Potbellies, "love handles", high blood pressure, hemorrhoids and other woes appear.
Lack of fiber in the diet.
This leads to infrequent bowel movements and hard stool.
Straining to pass hard stool does damage to rectal tissues.
Over time, this damage shows itself as hemorrhoids.
If you are not having 1-3 bowel movements daily, if your stool is hard lumps or difficult to pass, then you are not getting enough dietary fiber.
Oat bran, wheat bran, flax seeds, whole wheat bread and most vegetables can help.
Add dietary fiber until your bowel movements are frequent and your stool is soft.
Sitting too long in one position.
This tends to disrupt proper blood flow to posterior tissues, causing damage to veins and surrounding flesh.
It can lead to varicose vein effects and hemorrhoids.
If you must sit, move around.
Get up and move about frequently.
And/or get a very good cushion that does not disrupt normal blood flow.
+1/2 (0.
Getting pregnant.
[Only applies to the female half of the population, so it's only half a factor here.
;-)] Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy.
During pregnancy blood volume increases greatly, which can cause veins to enlarge.
The expanding uterus also puts pressure on the veins in the rectum.
Constipation can worsen.
Good diet with high fiber content can help.
Also avoiding sitting too long without good cushions will help.
In summary, whether you get hemorrhoids or not depends largely on how well you take care of your body.
Hemorrhoids are a manifestation of poor body maintenance, much as are obesity, type 2 diabetes, ulcers and a host of other too-common ailments.
Most of these, including hemorrhoids, can be avoided with a bit of "preventive maintenance".
Sure, it takes time, but remember, for the human body, "preventive maintenance" up front, is a LOT cheaper than the "breakdown maintenance" that you will almost certainly have to pay on the back end, if you don't maintain your body well...