Treating Hemorrhoids Using Painless Remedies
Hemorrhoids can be described as clumps of tissue within the anal canal region that consists of blood vessels coupled with the surrounding supporting tissues composed mainly of elastic fibers and muscles.
The anal canal is the last four centimeters end of the alimentary system to the outside of the anus.
Treating hemorrhoid is very easy indeed.
Hemorrhoids can be internal where the mass is found above the dentate line of the anal canal.
They are termed external when the hemorrhoids are below the dentate line.
If the hemorrhoids remain inside the rectum, it is termed first-degree hemorrhoids.
If the internal hemorrhoids protrude out of the anus upon straining but retract on their own, this is the second-degree type.
The third-degree hemorrhoids need the use of a finger to push them back into the rectum.
The prolapsed and the external hemorrhoids are termed the fourth-degree hemorrhoids.
Fourth-degree hemorrhoids are usually very large and there is no way for them to be reinserted into the rectum.
Usually to remove these fourth-degree hemorrhoids, the doctor would resort to surgical procedure termed hemorrhoidectomy.
As usual, there are always the risks of post-operative adverse effects of surgery or for any medical intervention for that matter.
I would normally advise those who are down with whatever forms of hemorrhoids to try the first option of home remedies which I think will be the only option that will totally eliminate hemorrhoids.
There are many ways to relieve the agony of pain that accompanies hemorrhoids.
The following steps can be taken to minimize and eventually remove the ailment once and for all.
Soak in sitz bath.
This home remedy makes use of a container that can be put on the toilet bowl whereby you soak the hemorrhoids into a warm bath containing either Epsom salt, herbal salts or just plain baking powder for about twenty minutes.
This will minimize the pain and cleanse the affected area.
Infection can then be avoided.
Apply ice.
You can put ice in a cloth and apply it to the affected area.
This will help to reduce the blood supply to the area as well as making the hemorrhoids numb thus reducing pain.
Dehydration should be avoided.
You must drink at least 2 liters of water daily.
You can divide the volume over three or four times intake daily.
Take supplements.
I normally advise my customers to take one tablet of Vitamin C 1000 mg daily and it is good to continue with it for life because this anti-oxidant is very useful in combating the free radicals that attack the body cells.
With over 30 trillion cells in the body, there is a need for a good defense system.
This supplement when combined with bioflavoids, rutin and hesperidin helps in shrinking the hemorrhoids.
It also provides good cell wall protection thereby preventing further stretching of the blood vessels in hemorrhoids.
The home remedial system for treating hemorrhoid is very effective and many sufferers have found the cure to be very fast.
The anal canal is the last four centimeters end of the alimentary system to the outside of the anus.
Treating hemorrhoid is very easy indeed.
Hemorrhoids can be internal where the mass is found above the dentate line of the anal canal.
They are termed external when the hemorrhoids are below the dentate line.
If the hemorrhoids remain inside the rectum, it is termed first-degree hemorrhoids.
If the internal hemorrhoids protrude out of the anus upon straining but retract on their own, this is the second-degree type.
The third-degree hemorrhoids need the use of a finger to push them back into the rectum.
The prolapsed and the external hemorrhoids are termed the fourth-degree hemorrhoids.
Fourth-degree hemorrhoids are usually very large and there is no way for them to be reinserted into the rectum.
Usually to remove these fourth-degree hemorrhoids, the doctor would resort to surgical procedure termed hemorrhoidectomy.
As usual, there are always the risks of post-operative adverse effects of surgery or for any medical intervention for that matter.
I would normally advise those who are down with whatever forms of hemorrhoids to try the first option of home remedies which I think will be the only option that will totally eliminate hemorrhoids.
There are many ways to relieve the agony of pain that accompanies hemorrhoids.
The following steps can be taken to minimize and eventually remove the ailment once and for all.
Soak in sitz bath.
This home remedy makes use of a container that can be put on the toilet bowl whereby you soak the hemorrhoids into a warm bath containing either Epsom salt, herbal salts or just plain baking powder for about twenty minutes.
This will minimize the pain and cleanse the affected area.
Infection can then be avoided.
Apply ice.
You can put ice in a cloth and apply it to the affected area.
This will help to reduce the blood supply to the area as well as making the hemorrhoids numb thus reducing pain.
Dehydration should be avoided.
You must drink at least 2 liters of water daily.
You can divide the volume over three or four times intake daily.
Take supplements.
I normally advise my customers to take one tablet of Vitamin C 1000 mg daily and it is good to continue with it for life because this anti-oxidant is very useful in combating the free radicals that attack the body cells.
With over 30 trillion cells in the body, there is a need for a good defense system.
This supplement when combined with bioflavoids, rutin and hesperidin helps in shrinking the hemorrhoids.
It also provides good cell wall protection thereby preventing further stretching of the blood vessels in hemorrhoids.
The home remedial system for treating hemorrhoid is very effective and many sufferers have found the cure to be very fast.