Origami Papillon Dog Instructions
- 1). Place the sheet of origami paper on a table. Angle the paper so that one of the corners is facing you. Fold the corner facing you up to the opposite corner. Smooth the crease down so that a horizontal side is now closest to you. Unfold the paper. Fold the left side over to the right side and smooth the crease down. Unfold the paper.
- 2). Fold the upper left corner into the center of the paper. Smooth the crease down. Fold the upper right corner into the center of the paper and smooth the crease down. Unfold the left corner. Fold the tip of the left corner to the center before the fold and smooth it down. Fold the two other corners that have not been folded into the center. Smooth the two corners down.
- 3). Adjust the now rectangular paper so that it is on the table with the longer side nearest you. Unfold the two side flaps. Fold the left flap into the center of the paper at an angle toward the top of the paper. Smooth the flap down. Unfold the flap and repeat this procedure, only folding the flap into the center at an angle toward the bottom of the paper.
- 4). Push in on the two sides of the flap. Push the flap down onto the center of the paper. Push the flap to the left and smooth it down. Lift the flap and push it down to the right and smooth it down. Lift the flap.
- 5). Turn the paper over. Push in on the sides of the flap. Push the tip of the flap over to the left. Lift the flap so it is pointed straight up. Push in on the sides of the flap to form a tube. Flatten the top of the flap down onto the paper. Smooth the sides down. Fold the small point at one end of the flap over onto the flap and smooth it down. Fold the point at the other end of the flap into the center of the flap and smooth it down. Fold the tip of the flap back and smooth it down.
- 6). Turn the paper over so that the flap is farthest from you. Unfold the sides of the paper. Push up on each side as you press it back toward the center. Flatten the sides and smooth them down. Turn the paper over so that the flap is to your left. Fold the top of the paper over to the bottom and smooth the crease down.
- 7). Unfold the two sides of the point at the end of the flap outward. Press in on the two sides of the point as you push them toward each other. Unfold the entire side of the flap. Turn the paper over and repeat this procedure.
- 8). Fold the point at the end of the flap up and toward the center of the paper. Lift the flap up and then turn the paper over and repeat this procedure. Adjust the position of the paper so that it is vertical with the flap farthest from you. Fold the upper layer of the flap away from the flap. Turn the paper over and repeat this procedure.
- 9). Fold the end of the paper closest to you toward the right. Smooth the crease down. Fold the flap at the top of the paper farthest from you over. Smooth the crease down. Unfold the flap. Turn the paper over and repeat this procedure. Turn the paper over. Fold in the flap at the center left of the paper to the middle. Smooth the crease down. Turn the paper over and repeat this procedure. Turn the paper over.
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Fold the flap at the square end of the paper. Smooth the crease down. Turn the paper over and repeat this procedure. Fold the side flaps that are against the square shape into the center to form the head of the dog you are making. - 11
Adjust the paper so it is lying vertically with the dog's head closest to you. Turn the paper over and unfold the two center flaps. Fold the points at the flaps closest to you in. Smooth the creases down. Unfold the paper. Turn the paper over. Fold the point at the end of the flap closest to you up to the left and smooth it down. Turn the paper over and repeat this procedure. Turn the paper over. - 12
Fold the points at the ends of each flap in and smooth them down. Unfold the flaps and fold the points in to make a reverse fold. Smooth the points down. Turn the paper over. Fold the top flap from the bottom section up to the center of the paper. Smooth the crease down. Turn the paper over and repeat this procedure. Turn the paper over. Fold the two end points of the flaps in and smooth them down. Fold the flattened sides of the flaps in and smooth them down. - 13
Unfold the two end points and flatten them down. Push in on the sides of the flaps to raise them up. Push down on the folds on the two end points to crease them. Push in on the point at the end where the two flaps are folded. - 14
Pull out the sides of the flaps along the body of the paper at each end; the flaps near the “head” are pulled up, while the flaps at the other end are pulled down. Stand your origami papillon dog on the table and admire your handiwork.