Does Your Pet Dog Bite? How to Control It
One thing is certain that if you ever bring home a new puppy or dog, it is bound to bite and nip at your fingertips for some time which can last a few days or some weeks.
This behavior is normal and is not to be mistaken as an aggressive one.
In any case, you would like to change this behavior.
You shall need to make the dog understand that you, the "pack leader" is not comfortable with the biting behavior and the dog has to stop biting.
Here the question is how to stop the dog from biting which is natural for them? For this, the very first thing to do is to resolve the dog's age which is the basis for deciding the training method to use.
The training methods for dogs which are 15 weeks or under are slightly different than those who are over 15 weeks old.
You can try out the following guidelines for checking your dog from biting, if it is under than 15 weeks and a new one: a) You need to tell the dog that licking is better and acceptable than biting.
As it changes its behavior, and learns to lick your hands or fingertips; you shall need to gently praise it.
You can help it to switch to licking by applying a little coconut oil or butter on the fingertips.
Help the dog understand that licking is better by caressing it gently after each lick.
b) However, if the dog still persists in biting the hands or finger tips despite having eaten its fill and is not in a mood to eat or have something in the mouth.
Keep a nice and delicious bone ready for your dog in order to divert it.
Have a crate ready where you can leave the dog with its bone for a while so that it can bite and/or chew the bone to its heart content.
Do remember not to be harsh or scream at the dog and also avoid punishing it, as the dog can become hostile due to the unfriendly environment.
It is important to have a positive and peaceful environment for molding your dog biting behavior.
As if dog continues to bite, it can become a serious issue as the dog can bite anyone like the family members or even strangers which is not good and embarrassing too.
c) If the dog bites hard on your hand or fingertips, you need to discipline it then and there by correcting it with a firm "No!" command while looking in the dog eyes.
You shall need to remain firm for a few seconds or so; in order to help the dog understand what it is doing is not correct.
After wards, simply continue whatever you were doing calmly.
You need to remain calm and not use the violent approach as wrongly widely supported for violence shall make the dog more stubborn and hostile.
After repeated exercises of this ploy, the dog shall learn to obey and stop biting whenever it hears the command not to do so.
This behavior is normal and is not to be mistaken as an aggressive one.
In any case, you would like to change this behavior.
You shall need to make the dog understand that you, the "pack leader" is not comfortable with the biting behavior and the dog has to stop biting.
Here the question is how to stop the dog from biting which is natural for them? For this, the very first thing to do is to resolve the dog's age which is the basis for deciding the training method to use.
The training methods for dogs which are 15 weeks or under are slightly different than those who are over 15 weeks old.
You can try out the following guidelines for checking your dog from biting, if it is under than 15 weeks and a new one: a) You need to tell the dog that licking is better and acceptable than biting.
As it changes its behavior, and learns to lick your hands or fingertips; you shall need to gently praise it.
You can help it to switch to licking by applying a little coconut oil or butter on the fingertips.
Help the dog understand that licking is better by caressing it gently after each lick.
b) However, if the dog still persists in biting the hands or finger tips despite having eaten its fill and is not in a mood to eat or have something in the mouth.
Keep a nice and delicious bone ready for your dog in order to divert it.
Have a crate ready where you can leave the dog with its bone for a while so that it can bite and/or chew the bone to its heart content.
Do remember not to be harsh or scream at the dog and also avoid punishing it, as the dog can become hostile due to the unfriendly environment.
It is important to have a positive and peaceful environment for molding your dog biting behavior.
As if dog continues to bite, it can become a serious issue as the dog can bite anyone like the family members or even strangers which is not good and embarrassing too.
c) If the dog bites hard on your hand or fingertips, you need to discipline it then and there by correcting it with a firm "No!" command while looking in the dog eyes.
You shall need to remain firm for a few seconds or so; in order to help the dog understand what it is doing is not correct.
After wards, simply continue whatever you were doing calmly.
You need to remain calm and not use the violent approach as wrongly widely supported for violence shall make the dog more stubborn and hostile.
After repeated exercises of this ploy, the dog shall learn to obey and stop biting whenever it hears the command not to do so.