How To Speed Up "Call Of Duty: Black Ops" Multiplayer On PC - Tutorial For Lightning Fast
Call Of Duty Black Ops might be the latest version of this legendary game, but there's an age-old problem which can be highly annoying.
The problem is that your PC may end up playing COD extremely slowly in Multiplayer mode, preventing you from being able to play at your best, and making you look like a "noob"! This problem is a huge issue which is caused by a number of different problems.
The good news is that you can fix COD: Black Ops slow speed by using the steps outlined in this article.
Here's how...
Why Does Call Of Duty Black Ops Run Slow In Multiplayer Mode? There are a number of reasons why any game will run slow in MP mode, which are not just limited to COD.
The most likely reason will be that your Internet Connection will not be up to speed...
but there will also be a large number of other potential issues which can include the likes of your game having errors, and your PC not running correctly.
The way to ensure that COD: Black Ops can run quickly is to ensure that any potential problem is cured.
How To Make Call Of Duty Black Ops Run Fast In Multiplayer The way to make this game run faster in multiplayer is to first ensure that you have a fast Internet speed on your system.
To do this, you should first ensure that there are no applications in the background of your computer which may be taking up precious Internet bandwidth.
If you have any software running on your system, you must close it to ensure that COD has all the Internet it requires.
This should also go for any network PCs you have.
The second step to make your game run faster is to make sure that your computer can run COD: Black Ops correctly.
To do this, you should re-install COD: Black Ops on your PC, to refresh all the files / settings that have been causing problems.
This will not only allow the game to run much smoother, but will also ensure that your computer has all the correct files required to run it.
Finally, it's recommended that you are able to clean out the registry of your computer.
This is a central database for all the settings & options that your computer will use to run, and is what Windows continually uses to help it process all the settings it requires.
Unfortunately, playing COD will actually use 1,000's of registry settings on your system, and will typically lead your computer to reset a large number of these files, making them damaged and corrupted.
To fix this problem, it's recommended that you use a registry cleaner application to scan through your computer and repair any of the problems that your system may have with its registry settings - allowing it to run much smoother again as a result.
The problem is that your PC may end up playing COD extremely slowly in Multiplayer mode, preventing you from being able to play at your best, and making you look like a "noob"! This problem is a huge issue which is caused by a number of different problems.
The good news is that you can fix COD: Black Ops slow speed by using the steps outlined in this article.
Here's how...
Why Does Call Of Duty Black Ops Run Slow In Multiplayer Mode? There are a number of reasons why any game will run slow in MP mode, which are not just limited to COD.
The most likely reason will be that your Internet Connection will not be up to speed...
but there will also be a large number of other potential issues which can include the likes of your game having errors, and your PC not running correctly.
The way to ensure that COD: Black Ops can run quickly is to ensure that any potential problem is cured.
How To Make Call Of Duty Black Ops Run Fast In Multiplayer The way to make this game run faster in multiplayer is to first ensure that you have a fast Internet speed on your system.
To do this, you should first ensure that there are no applications in the background of your computer which may be taking up precious Internet bandwidth.
If you have any software running on your system, you must close it to ensure that COD has all the Internet it requires.
This should also go for any network PCs you have.
The second step to make your game run faster is to make sure that your computer can run COD: Black Ops correctly.
To do this, you should re-install COD: Black Ops on your PC, to refresh all the files / settings that have been causing problems.
This will not only allow the game to run much smoother, but will also ensure that your computer has all the correct files required to run it.
Finally, it's recommended that you are able to clean out the registry of your computer.
This is a central database for all the settings & options that your computer will use to run, and is what Windows continually uses to help it process all the settings it requires.
Unfortunately, playing COD will actually use 1,000's of registry settings on your system, and will typically lead your computer to reset a large number of these files, making them damaged and corrupted.
To fix this problem, it's recommended that you use a registry cleaner application to scan through your computer and repair any of the problems that your system may have with its registry settings - allowing it to run much smoother again as a result.