Harried Parent"s Book Club
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Bottom Line: This booklet doesn't offer the last word on the Alert Program for Self-Regulation (there's a leader's guide for that), but it does give parents a good overview and enough information to think about trying the program at home with their children -- and about what makes their own engines run, too.
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By Debra J. Snyder; 200 pages. Subtitle: Listening to the Wisdom of Your Heart.
Bottom Line: "Intuitive parenting" refers to a holistic method of "tapping into subtle energy systems to communicate through the heart," with the help of guided visualizations and entries in your HeartGlow journal. Even the author admits that "these concepts may seem to ethereal or 'out there' for you," but if you're struggling to find a way to connect with your child and make sense of your experience, any possibility may be worth considering.More »
Bottom Line: One of those needs is probably a parent who doesn't spend so much darn time perusing parenting books, but if you just can't stop reading, this book by two child development gurus offers plenty of food for thought -- on families, childcare, schools, priorities, and respecting differences. They're doing some dreaming here, but it's nice to imagine along.
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Bottom Line: "It's So Much Work to Be Your Friend"? It's so much work to read this book! Both exhaustive and exhausting, the nearly 400-page volume gives lots of good reasons why your child may have trouble making and keeping friends. Understanding is always a good thing, and you'll gain that here. But the solutions leave something to be desired.
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An Introduction to "How Does Your Engine Run?"
By Mary Sue Williams, OTR, and Sherry Shellenberger, OTR; 24 pages. From the Program Description: "The program promotes awareness of how individuals regulate their arousal states and encourages the use of sensory-motor strategies."Bottom Line: This booklet doesn't offer the last word on the Alert Program for Self-Regulation (there's a leader's guide for that), but it does give parents a good overview and enough information to think about trying the program at home with their children -- and about what makes their own engines run, too.
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Intuitive Parenting
By Debra J. Snyder; 200 pages. Subtitle: Listening to the Wisdom of Your Heart.
Bottom Line: "Intuitive parenting" refers to a holistic method of "tapping into subtle energy systems to communicate through the heart," with the help of guided visualizations and entries in your HeartGlow journal. Even the author admits that "these concepts may seem to ethereal or 'out there' for you," but if you're struggling to find a way to connect with your child and make sense of your experience, any possibility may be worth considering.More »
The Irreducible Needs of Children
By T. Berry Brazelton, M.D., and Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D.; 228 pages. Subtitle: What Every Child Must Have to Grow, Learn, and Flourish.Bottom Line: One of those needs is probably a parent who doesn't spend so much darn time perusing parenting books, but if you just can't stop reading, this book by two child development gurus offers plenty of food for thought -- on families, childcare, schools, priorities, and respecting differences. They're doing some dreaming here, but it's nice to imagine along.
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It's So Much Work to Be Your Friend
By Richard Lavoie; 394 pages. Subtitle: Helping the Child with Learning Disabilities Find Social Success.Bottom Line: "It's So Much Work to Be Your Friend"? It's so much work to read this book! Both exhaustive and exhausting, the nearly 400-page volume gives lots of good reasons why your child may have trouble making and keeping friends. Understanding is always a good thing, and you'll gain that here. But the solutions leave something to be desired.
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