Word of the Day: Frío
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FREE-oh (Note that the Spanish r here is pronounced with a tap of the tongue against the front of the palate.) Listen
cold, cool (in temperature)
El clima de Arizona varía considerablemente, desde la severidad del cálido desierto de Sonora hasta las altas y frías montañas en la parte norte del estado.
The climate of Arizona varies considerably, from the extreme of the hot Sonora Desert to the high and cold mountains in the northern part of the state.
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Pronunciación aproximada:
FREE-oh (Note that the Spanish r here is pronounced with a tap of the tongue against the front of the palate.) Listen
cold, cool (in temperature)
El clima de Arizona varía considerablemente, desde la severidad del cálido desierto de Sonora hasta las altas y frías montañas en la parte norte del estado.
The climate of Arizona varies considerably, from the extreme of the hot Sonora Desert to the high and cold mountains in the northern part of the state.
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