Twittering For Fast Affiliate Traffic
Twitter is a new type of social networking site.
It was created by the guy who created Blogger, but it's not your typical blog platform.
You're limited to a very short 140 characters per post, so you have to be careful about what you say.
But Twitter has some really great features that can really help make you more money if you use the site carefully.
Each post is called a "Tweet.
"People who want to receive all of your "Tweets" can sign up as one of your followers.
They'll be notified when you post a new message.
The beauty of Twitter is the fact that users who decide to follow you can get your messages sent instantly to their cell phone by text message.
Although this isn't great if you're sending traffic mostly to affiliate links, it can be great to remind people that your affiliate site exists, and that you're keeping it updated.
This can work especially well for review sites, for example.
If a number of your visitors sign up to receive updates, you can send out a "Tweet" every time you add a new review.
For people who are especially fanatical about your niche, this could be very important to them, and they might look for your messages.
If you are careful to offer very honest reviews, you could end up with a large and loyal following.
And they'll be notified by text message or email every time you add a new review.
This would also be very good for blogs and other sites that update often.
This could apply to blogs about the latest tech gadgets, celebrity news sites and blogs, other types of news sites and blogs, and any other type of niche site that gets updated often.
You'll probably want to use some sort of URL shortening method, since you don't get a lot of text in each "Tweet.
"You can use a service such as Tiny URL, or you can just use a short domain of your own with some sort of simple redirect script.
If you're running a site that you want to give update notifications for, you shouldn't use a redirect service, because you'll probably want to remind people about the URL of your site.
This is especially important if you're trying to build a brand.
If you're branding yourself or your site's name, you need to keep it fresh in the minds of all of your followers.
In this case, you should concentrate on keeping each post short, so you can offer your full URL in each "Tweet.
" Twitter can be a great tool for generating traffic straight to your affiliate offers, too.
While many phone users aren't going to be able to easily visit your affiliate offer, those who get Tweets online via email will flood your domain.
The cell phone messaging capability isn't the most important part of Twitter for many people.
In fact, many people don't even use that feature, so keep that in mind.
Although you might not have great results from those who do use the text messaging feature, you can still get very good traffic from those who use the site directly.
It was created by the guy who created Blogger, but it's not your typical blog platform.
You're limited to a very short 140 characters per post, so you have to be careful about what you say.
But Twitter has some really great features that can really help make you more money if you use the site carefully.
Each post is called a "Tweet.
"People who want to receive all of your "Tweets" can sign up as one of your followers.
They'll be notified when you post a new message.
The beauty of Twitter is the fact that users who decide to follow you can get your messages sent instantly to their cell phone by text message.
Although this isn't great if you're sending traffic mostly to affiliate links, it can be great to remind people that your affiliate site exists, and that you're keeping it updated.
This can work especially well for review sites, for example.
If a number of your visitors sign up to receive updates, you can send out a "Tweet" every time you add a new review.
For people who are especially fanatical about your niche, this could be very important to them, and they might look for your messages.
If you are careful to offer very honest reviews, you could end up with a large and loyal following.
And they'll be notified by text message or email every time you add a new review.
This would also be very good for blogs and other sites that update often.
This could apply to blogs about the latest tech gadgets, celebrity news sites and blogs, other types of news sites and blogs, and any other type of niche site that gets updated often.
You'll probably want to use some sort of URL shortening method, since you don't get a lot of text in each "Tweet.
"You can use a service such as Tiny URL, or you can just use a short domain of your own with some sort of simple redirect script.
If you're running a site that you want to give update notifications for, you shouldn't use a redirect service, because you'll probably want to remind people about the URL of your site.
This is especially important if you're trying to build a brand.
If you're branding yourself or your site's name, you need to keep it fresh in the minds of all of your followers.
In this case, you should concentrate on keeping each post short, so you can offer your full URL in each "Tweet.
" Twitter can be a great tool for generating traffic straight to your affiliate offers, too.
While many phone users aren't going to be able to easily visit your affiliate offer, those who get Tweets online via email will flood your domain.
The cell phone messaging capability isn't the most important part of Twitter for many people.
In fact, many people don't even use that feature, so keep that in mind.
Although you might not have great results from those who do use the text messaging feature, you can still get very good traffic from those who use the site directly.