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How to Be an Inspiration to Your Kid

They call it the "Beast of the East", a triathlon in Co.
Wicklow, Ireland, created and managed by the Wicklow Triathlon Club.
As a member of the club I was helping with the event in my favourite way - playing the bagpipes as the swimmers entered the cold and choppy waters of Lough Dan Co.
It was over an hour before the last person finished the swim and I managed to keep the bagpipes blowing for most of it, although I'm sure it was way tougher for the swimmers to keep their lungs going! Once all the swimmers were out I went up the road to help with marshalling the event.
By the time I got to a good place to help, many of the triathletes were already beginning to zoom in on their bikes and then zoom out again for the run.
While I was helping to marshall cyclists, runners and some cars on a small hilly country road, I noticed a young boy waiting to support his Dad.
Accompanying him were his Grandparents, his Mother and siblings.
The young boy wondered where his Dad was but with a smile of enthusiasm he waited patiently.
His Dad eventually appeared and was coming last.
He slowly (and painfully I'm sure) jogged up this hilly country road in his bright orange t-shirt.
Yet to my surprise, this Dad, after completing a very tough 1.
5K swim, a 40K very hilly bike ride and just beginning a very tough 10K run stopped for a moment and kissed one of his children.
He then headed off over the hills to continue his run, in last place.
The young boy sat on a grass verge by the side of the road and continued to wait.
While the young boy waited he told us how his Dad had won a medal in another triathlon and completed a 20k run before! The pride he felt for his Dad was evident all across his beaming smile as he told us about his Dads previous accomplishments.
However it was a long wait for his Dad and most people had dispersed before there was any sign of him arriving back from the run.
The Grandparents and Mother decided to go on to the finish to wait and see their "son-in-law finish the race".
The young boy, now left alone, continued to wait proudly on the grass verge for his Dad.
Eventually his Dad did show up and by then everyone else was well finished.
However when this young boy saw his Dad coming both their faces beamed with delight! The young boy got up from the grass verge and ran with his Dad that last few hundred meters.
When everyone who was still around at the finish saw these two great champions running that last few hundred meters they responded with clapping, cheering and roars of support all the way to the finish.
It was brilliant! It was for me the highlight of the event! It really didn't matter where this man came in the triathlon because in the eyes of this young boy, his son, and many who watched including myself, this man and his son will always be winners!
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