How to Remove Calluses
Do you suffer from calluses? Considering how important our feet to us, do we give special care and attention that they deserves? One of the most common problems that people have on their feet is calluses.
A foot callus is a large area of hardened skin on the foot compared to a corn.
Foot calluses usually do not have such distinct edges like the corn has.
If this is one of your problems, worry not, because I will give you some tips on how you can remove your calluses.
There are several ways that you can remove your foot calluses at home, easily and conveniently, you can buy everything you need for callus removal.
There are websites that has a large range of callus removal products from a liquid callus remover to a foot softening lotions, manual callus removers and foot rasps to electric callus removers.
But one of the simplest ways to remove calluses can be done at home.
How to remove calluses at home: Step 1: A very simple to perform home remedy for the foot callus is the mixture of borax soap powder, bran and iodine in some warm water.
You can use this as a soak for your feet each day.
Keep your feet in this mixture for about 20 minutes for the best results.
Foot soaking helps to soften the thickened skin enough to begin to break away the dead tissue.
Step 2: Then try to scrub it with a pumice stone.
Don't scrub hard enough to break the skin, but enough to begin to break away the dead tissue.
Step 3: After soaking and scrubbing, then you can apply a deep moisturizer or any rich lotions.
Step 4: Then cover your feet with thick socks to sleep in, this help to really moisturizer your feet.
In the following morning, apply lotion and rub each foot for about 5 minutes.
Step 5: Using foot moisturizer daily can help your calluses to soften.
Repeat these steps daily and you can see results.
There are no instant fixes of calluses, it takes time and dedication.
There are products offered over the counter for removing calluses range in many varieties that all have good quality.
Such as creams that you can buy that will help to remove calluses.
Just simple apply it them to your foot or just on the callus.
Getting that callus removed quicker is sometimes possible by applying the cream more than once a day.
If you are concerned for the health of your foot regarding your calluses and for proper medication, you can ask a podiatrist for professional treatments.
A foot callus is a large area of hardened skin on the foot compared to a corn.
Foot calluses usually do not have such distinct edges like the corn has.
If this is one of your problems, worry not, because I will give you some tips on how you can remove your calluses.
There are several ways that you can remove your foot calluses at home, easily and conveniently, you can buy everything you need for callus removal.
There are websites that has a large range of callus removal products from a liquid callus remover to a foot softening lotions, manual callus removers and foot rasps to electric callus removers.
But one of the simplest ways to remove calluses can be done at home.
How to remove calluses at home: Step 1: A very simple to perform home remedy for the foot callus is the mixture of borax soap powder, bran and iodine in some warm water.
You can use this as a soak for your feet each day.
Keep your feet in this mixture for about 20 minutes for the best results.
Foot soaking helps to soften the thickened skin enough to begin to break away the dead tissue.
Step 2: Then try to scrub it with a pumice stone.
Don't scrub hard enough to break the skin, but enough to begin to break away the dead tissue.
Step 3: After soaking and scrubbing, then you can apply a deep moisturizer or any rich lotions.
Step 4: Then cover your feet with thick socks to sleep in, this help to really moisturizer your feet.
In the following morning, apply lotion and rub each foot for about 5 minutes.
Step 5: Using foot moisturizer daily can help your calluses to soften.
Repeat these steps daily and you can see results.
There are no instant fixes of calluses, it takes time and dedication.
There are products offered over the counter for removing calluses range in many varieties that all have good quality.
Such as creams that you can buy that will help to remove calluses.
Just simple apply it them to your foot or just on the callus.
Getting that callus removed quicker is sometimes possible by applying the cream more than once a day.
If you are concerned for the health of your foot regarding your calluses and for proper medication, you can ask a podiatrist for professional treatments.