"I Love Lucy" - A Humorous Show
The grand success of this show lies in the casting of the fantastic couple - Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez- as well as the lead characters.
It is a wild and strange, but a comical reality started in 1951.
Behind its success also lie the passionate tricks and the strange comedy of Lucille Ball.
Lucy from "I Love Lucy" had become an American idol after this popular show.
This extrovert woman is well-known for undergoing the great trouble's and abilities to deal them with a great humor too.
The accessories worn by Lucy had become a successful trademark of lipstick, curls, dresses and pearls used by her in this show.
Lucy had been the favorite of the show.
This is a storyline that is striking with women.
Contrary to the role of woman as a traditional homemaker, wife or mother, there was a need to be well-known as decision-making individuals having their own rights.
There is a great escape from all the traditional limitations of home fronts and to move out for having a life in which they could make their individual choices.
The issue relates to the duration post the 1950 war, which reflects Lucy's consistent non-compliance to be a part of husband's world.
There is a distinct and fanatical behavior of the entire team of another generation.
The humor is great, although may be difficult for the new audiences.
The major source of Interest is the real lives of the actors in the show.
"I Love Lucy", the most popular show in the United States had four to six seasons and was also the first to end its run to the top of the rating among the best TV shows.
It has won Five Emmy Awards and received various nominations in the year 2002.
It is a wild and strange, but a comical reality started in 1951.
Behind its success also lie the passionate tricks and the strange comedy of Lucille Ball.
Lucy from "I Love Lucy" had become an American idol after this popular show.
This extrovert woman is well-known for undergoing the great trouble's and abilities to deal them with a great humor too.
The accessories worn by Lucy had become a successful trademark of lipstick, curls, dresses and pearls used by her in this show.
Lucy had been the favorite of the show.
This is a storyline that is striking with women.
Contrary to the role of woman as a traditional homemaker, wife or mother, there was a need to be well-known as decision-making individuals having their own rights.
There is a great escape from all the traditional limitations of home fronts and to move out for having a life in which they could make their individual choices.
The issue relates to the duration post the 1950 war, which reflects Lucy's consistent non-compliance to be a part of husband's world.
There is a distinct and fanatical behavior of the entire team of another generation.
The humor is great, although may be difficult for the new audiences.
The major source of Interest is the real lives of the actors in the show.
"I Love Lucy", the most popular show in the United States had four to six seasons and was also the first to end its run to the top of the rating among the best TV shows.
It has won Five Emmy Awards and received various nominations in the year 2002.