Secret Recipe For Life Satisfaction
You're waking up frazzled because you over-indulge in people-pleasing, right? You mouth "what is she talking about" right away after reading that because you haven't quite clued in yet that your energy is precious.
Far too precious to be tapped.
Let's explore the secrets that some women have learned and others still need to discover.
Secrets that are mighty and powerful.
Secrets that some women brush off when they hear them because, after all it is difficult to lead when you're surrounded by followers.
"Primetime" Secret #1: 'Following' is off the cuff and not a skill.
Be a leader.
When you are spending your time with people who constantly make poor choices, or drag you down in their drama; you are choosing to follow.
The secret here is to stand up and say "I'm out!" Take time to focus on who is in your circle.
Do the people build you up? Do they appreciate and respect you? Do they value time? Do they speak kind words? If not, you may have to break up the friendships.
I'm not joking.
Women who are satisfied in life do not waste energy on trivial matters.
They do what needs to be done in order for them to feel good.
To feel accomplished.
To feel useful in their world.
They lead.
"Primetime" Secret #2: Say no more often! Seriously, say no to your partner, say no to your children and definitely say no to increased work projects.
Now, before someone gets all bunched up here let's discuss.
When I share this powerful secret at seminars some women immediately burst out with "but I can't say no"...
I'm writing this article to assure you that yes, you can.
Say no to the questions that you don't want to say yes to.
Say no to the extra work if you're schedule is already full.
Say no to your partner if you will only resent him or her later if you choose to say yes in the moment.
Get clear on your boundaries.
Choose wisely.
Essentially, saying no more often empowers you to take control of your life which leads to pure satisfaction.
"Primetime" Secret #3: Find your power source.
Your power source may be your faith.
It may be meditation.
It may be yoga or stretching.
It may be putting your hands in the earth (a.
It may be exploring what you believe in.
When you have a connection to your source (whatever that means to you) you are instantly more grounded and centered in life and therefore, more satisfied.
I always tell the people I work with that the power is within and whatever source you connect to or with empowers you.
It's truer than true.
"Primetime" Secret #4: Let stuff go.
Be it an argument with your partner or child, or a miscommunication with a friend or client; let it go.
Do not allow the 'stuff' in life to take away from your satisfaction.
If something has upset you talk about it, vent in a journal, crank the tunes, do something and then let it go.
When you let go of the stuff that bothers you you release the power it has over you opening up the doors for more satisfying moments.
There is so much more I could write about, as body shaming is a big life zapper - but I will save that for another article on another day.
I trust these four secrets will help you shift from feeling frazzled to fierce in no time.
Far too precious to be tapped.
Let's explore the secrets that some women have learned and others still need to discover.
Secrets that are mighty and powerful.
Secrets that some women brush off when they hear them because, after all it is difficult to lead when you're surrounded by followers.
"Primetime" Secret #1: 'Following' is off the cuff and not a skill.
Be a leader.
When you are spending your time with people who constantly make poor choices, or drag you down in their drama; you are choosing to follow.
The secret here is to stand up and say "I'm out!" Take time to focus on who is in your circle.
Do the people build you up? Do they appreciate and respect you? Do they value time? Do they speak kind words? If not, you may have to break up the friendships.
I'm not joking.
Women who are satisfied in life do not waste energy on trivial matters.
They do what needs to be done in order for them to feel good.
To feel accomplished.
To feel useful in their world.
They lead.
"Primetime" Secret #2: Say no more often! Seriously, say no to your partner, say no to your children and definitely say no to increased work projects.
Now, before someone gets all bunched up here let's discuss.
When I share this powerful secret at seminars some women immediately burst out with "but I can't say no"...
I'm writing this article to assure you that yes, you can.
Say no to the questions that you don't want to say yes to.
Say no to the extra work if you're schedule is already full.
Say no to your partner if you will only resent him or her later if you choose to say yes in the moment.
Get clear on your boundaries.
Choose wisely.
Essentially, saying no more often empowers you to take control of your life which leads to pure satisfaction.
"Primetime" Secret #3: Find your power source.
Your power source may be your faith.
It may be meditation.
It may be yoga or stretching.
It may be putting your hands in the earth (a.
It may be exploring what you believe in.
When you have a connection to your source (whatever that means to you) you are instantly more grounded and centered in life and therefore, more satisfied.
I always tell the people I work with that the power is within and whatever source you connect to or with empowers you.
It's truer than true.
"Primetime" Secret #4: Let stuff go.
Be it an argument with your partner or child, or a miscommunication with a friend or client; let it go.
Do not allow the 'stuff' in life to take away from your satisfaction.
If something has upset you talk about it, vent in a journal, crank the tunes, do something and then let it go.
When you let go of the stuff that bothers you you release the power it has over you opening up the doors for more satisfying moments.
There is so much more I could write about, as body shaming is a big life zapper - but I will save that for another article on another day.
I trust these four secrets will help you shift from feeling frazzled to fierce in no time.