Is Your Cat Sick?
Everybody loves their cat.
When you know your pet really well, you can just about always tell when something is a bit off with them.
You can tell that they may be sick or getting sick.
By noticing at a very early stage that you pet is sick, you can take them to the veterinarian to get treatment.
The sooner you catch something and get it treated, the less likely it will turn into something much more serious.
If you notice your cat getting sick and do nothing, you risk bigger problems that may cost your pet its life and you a whole lot more money.
In order to determine if your cat is really getting sick, you need to know it well.
All pets are part of the family.
They want to be around the family.
If all of sudden they are not, you know something is wrong.
Granted it is much easier to know your cats routine when it is an indoor pet.
You can also get to know the routine of an outdoor cat to.
It should want to come in around the same time every day.
It should show up to eat when you put food out.
If it strays from this pattern.
It is probably sick.
A normal cat will play and explore things.
It will be alert to noises.
It will eat well and be there before you even put the food down on the floor or pour it in the bowl.
A healthy cat will groom itself a few times a day.
It will sharpen its claws, even if it has been declawed.
It will run around playing and pounce on things that you can not see because they are not there.
The cat is just playing.
All those are things that a healthy cat will do.
How do tell if your cat is getting sick besides a deviation in it's normal routine? Your feline may become mean.
It may just want to sleep and lay around all day.
Trouble breathing is a serious sign that your pet is sick.
It may have eye boogies.
Just like people it may start to puke with regularity.
Bad breath, an foul odor coming from the ears and a body odor like a homeless person are other signs that your cat needs medical attention.
Your feline may strut around with its head to one side and constantly scratch at one ear to the tilt side.
This is a sign of an ear infection.
When you determine it is time to take your kitty to the doctor, have a list of things that it was doing or not doing.
This will help give the vet a better idea so what is going on.
Be prepared.
Keep your cats medical records handy.
This will tell the vet, if it is a new one or one you found on call for emergency's what shots your pet has had and when.
When you know your pet really well, you can just about always tell when something is a bit off with them.
You can tell that they may be sick or getting sick.
By noticing at a very early stage that you pet is sick, you can take them to the veterinarian to get treatment.
The sooner you catch something and get it treated, the less likely it will turn into something much more serious.
If you notice your cat getting sick and do nothing, you risk bigger problems that may cost your pet its life and you a whole lot more money.
In order to determine if your cat is really getting sick, you need to know it well.
All pets are part of the family.
They want to be around the family.
If all of sudden they are not, you know something is wrong.
Granted it is much easier to know your cats routine when it is an indoor pet.
You can also get to know the routine of an outdoor cat to.
It should want to come in around the same time every day.
It should show up to eat when you put food out.
If it strays from this pattern.
It is probably sick.
A normal cat will play and explore things.
It will be alert to noises.
It will eat well and be there before you even put the food down on the floor or pour it in the bowl.
A healthy cat will groom itself a few times a day.
It will sharpen its claws, even if it has been declawed.
It will run around playing and pounce on things that you can not see because they are not there.
The cat is just playing.
All those are things that a healthy cat will do.
How do tell if your cat is getting sick besides a deviation in it's normal routine? Your feline may become mean.
It may just want to sleep and lay around all day.
Trouble breathing is a serious sign that your pet is sick.
It may have eye boogies.
Just like people it may start to puke with regularity.
Bad breath, an foul odor coming from the ears and a body odor like a homeless person are other signs that your cat needs medical attention.
Your feline may strut around with its head to one side and constantly scratch at one ear to the tilt side.
This is a sign of an ear infection.
When you determine it is time to take your kitty to the doctor, have a list of things that it was doing or not doing.
This will help give the vet a better idea so what is going on.
Be prepared.
Keep your cats medical records handy.
This will tell the vet, if it is a new one or one you found on call for emergency's what shots your pet has had and when.