Ghost photographed at mansion... telepathic email... more paranormal news
Up-to-the-minute reports of paranormal activity, news and views from around the world
Ghost of little girl photographed in notorious haunted mansion Loftus Hall
A tourist who visited a notorious haunted mansion in Ireland believes he may have photographed the ghost of a little girl. Thomas Beavis, 21, from Lewisham, made the spine-tingling discovery as he flicked through his camera on the drive home from Loftus Hall in Wexford...
Everything you need to know about ghost sex
On last night's Candidly Nicole, Nicole Richie met Patti Negri, a witch who says she's the "foremost expert" on ghost sex. Negri has made a career out of being a celebrity medium and a prominent thinker in the field of spectrophilia, a fetish or condition where people display a strong sexual attraction to ghosts and spirits...
Ghost stories in Port Arthur
Alice Sun-Cua: Rocking chairs that slowly rock by themselves. Disembodied voices heard in a solitary, sandstone room. Paranormal sightings recorded by sensitive machines. These were the stories we heard, my husband Alex and I, before we set forth on a day trip to Port Arthur, a former penal colony about 60 kilometers southeast of the state capital, Hobart...
Lessons learned from ghosts
Kathleen Berry, as the impartial observer for a TV news crew's paranormal investigation, expected the subsequent 12 hours to be uneventful. However, those beliefs soon shattered. Invisible fingers stroked her scalp, an unseen force charged her on the stairs and more.
The sum of those encounters pulverized her view on reality...
The Loch Ness Monster: 7 surprising explanations
Let’s discuss the Loch Ness phenomenon. Does a mysterious beast really patrol one of Scotland’s deepest lakes? Or do any of these less fanciful explanations hold water? You be the judge...
Reptilian shapeshifters in Grass Valley
HPI Reptilianologists headed to Grass Valley to investigate some out of the ordinary claims.A woman says that she witnessed her neighbor morph from a human being to a reptilian. Note: This later became her boyfriend and not her neighbor, the story changed...
Ability to sense when someone’s staring at you is common, studies show
The cumulative data from tens of thousands of trials shows it is extremely likely that humans (and perhaps animals) have the ability to sense when someone is looking at them, according to Dr. Dean Radin...
Could we soon send emails 'telepathically'?
Scientist transmits message into the mind of a colleague 5,000 miles away using brain waves...
James Randi’s “evidence” against ESP turns out to be fabricated
When you look into it, a lot of Randi’s “evidence” essentially comes down to: “I know a guy who was involved that told me there were flaws in the protocols of these experiments, but I’m not going to tell you who this person was.” It’s really that flimsy...
Bernadette Doran on energy healing
Interview with energy healing researcher and practitioner examines the Bengston Method of energy healing...