Tourette Syndrome Prognosis
Tourette syndrome is a disorder that affects the brain. Individuals with Tourette's have multiple tics both physical and verbal. Over 100,000 Americans are affected by the disorder. The majority of people who have Tourette's have a good prognosis.
The prognosis of patient's with Tourette syndrome is largely based on the severity of their condition. Most individuals with Tourette syndrome have mild cases and do not require medical treatment. Some are able to control the disorder to the extent that other people may not know they have the condition.
Children with Tourette's may need medical attention to help them cope with the disorder. They can suffer socially if their tics are viewed as abnormal. If a child suffers teasing, punishment, or other harmful responses to the disorder, it can be damaging. The child may experience nervousness, depression, and anxiety as a result. If a child has disabling tics or tics that otherwise interfere with academic or social functions, psychotherapy can be helpful. A supportive environment for the child with Tourette's at school and at home is also important in managing the disorder.
Having an outlet to manage tics can also be helpful for children in managing their tics. Sports, music, games, clubs and other activities can help a child find a release for their energy. Keeping children occupied also helps a child to focus on activities other than coping with their disorder.
The symptoms of Tourette syndrome tend to dissipate as children reach adulthood. Even if the child has tics at a high incidence as a child, it does not mean they will have a corresponding high rate of tics as an adult. Most adults who were diagnosed with Tourette's as children have only mild symptoms that minimally impact their overall functionality.
Studies have shown that about half of adults who had Tourette syndrome as children but considered themselves tic-free still exhibited some tics. Adults with Tourette's have been found to have a higher rate of sleep disturbance and migraines than the general public. In rare cases, the disorder can prevent adults from holding a job and engaging in normal social functions.
The prognosis of patient's with Tourette syndrome is largely based on the severity of their condition. Most individuals with Tourette syndrome have mild cases and do not require medical treatment. Some are able to control the disorder to the extent that other people may not know they have the condition.
Children with Tourette's may need medical attention to help them cope with the disorder. They can suffer socially if their tics are viewed as abnormal. If a child suffers teasing, punishment, or other harmful responses to the disorder, it can be damaging. The child may experience nervousness, depression, and anxiety as a result. If a child has disabling tics or tics that otherwise interfere with academic or social functions, psychotherapy can be helpful. A supportive environment for the child with Tourette's at school and at home is also important in managing the disorder.
Having an outlet to manage tics can also be helpful for children in managing their tics. Sports, music, games, clubs and other activities can help a child find a release for their energy. Keeping children occupied also helps a child to focus on activities other than coping with their disorder.
The symptoms of Tourette syndrome tend to dissipate as children reach adulthood. Even if the child has tics at a high incidence as a child, it does not mean they will have a corresponding high rate of tics as an adult. Most adults who were diagnosed with Tourette's as children have only mild symptoms that minimally impact their overall functionality.
Studies have shown that about half of adults who had Tourette syndrome as children but considered themselves tic-free still exhibited some tics. Adults with Tourette's have been found to have a higher rate of sleep disturbance and migraines than the general public. In rare cases, the disorder can prevent adults from holding a job and engaging in normal social functions.