What Exactly Causes Tinnitus?
The constant ringing in the ears caused to some people after 40 years of age is referred to as tinnitus.
In Tinnitus sound is produced internally and the person who is suffering only hears it.
Though it cannot be called a disease but it can be very dangerous and irritating.
There could be several causes for this kind of ringing in the ears.
Basically the causes for tinnitus can be described as internal or external.
Some of the external causes are like heavy elements dropping on the head resulting in head injury, side effects caused due to some medications like antibiotics and aspirin etc.
Tinnitus may also be caused due to some allergy.
These allergies could be caused due to some food allergens or some chemical allergens.
If you notice any pattern by which it is evident that consuming some medication is causing ringing in the ears you should immediately stop that medication and inform your doctor.
If tests and audiograms confirm tinnitus, you should stay away from all the medications that contain those chemical allergens which are causing ringing in your ears.
It is also found that tinnitus is caused due to accumulation of wax in the ear canal.
Constant exposure to loud noises and stress also causes tinnitus.
Internal causes for tinnitus are generally some health conditions.
A clear pattern is reported for the direct connection of anxiety and depression with tinnitus.
Also some diseases like tumors etc can also cause ringing in the ears.
People who are suffering with poor nutrition and running serious deficiency of vitamin B6, B5 and B12 also run higher risk of getting affected with ringing in the ears after the age of 40.
Some ear infections are also found to aggravate the ringing in the ears.
If ringing in the ears is directly coinciding with pulse it is known as pulsatile tinnitus.
There could be several other conditions that can cause ringing in the ears like hypertension in the muscles, Lyme disease and sleep paralysis.
In Tinnitus sound is produced internally and the person who is suffering only hears it.
Though it cannot be called a disease but it can be very dangerous and irritating.
There could be several causes for this kind of ringing in the ears.
Basically the causes for tinnitus can be described as internal or external.
Some of the external causes are like heavy elements dropping on the head resulting in head injury, side effects caused due to some medications like antibiotics and aspirin etc.
Tinnitus may also be caused due to some allergy.
These allergies could be caused due to some food allergens or some chemical allergens.
If you notice any pattern by which it is evident that consuming some medication is causing ringing in the ears you should immediately stop that medication and inform your doctor.
If tests and audiograms confirm tinnitus, you should stay away from all the medications that contain those chemical allergens which are causing ringing in your ears.
It is also found that tinnitus is caused due to accumulation of wax in the ear canal.
Constant exposure to loud noises and stress also causes tinnitus.
Internal causes for tinnitus are generally some health conditions.
A clear pattern is reported for the direct connection of anxiety and depression with tinnitus.
Also some diseases like tumors etc can also cause ringing in the ears.
People who are suffering with poor nutrition and running serious deficiency of vitamin B6, B5 and B12 also run higher risk of getting affected with ringing in the ears after the age of 40.
Some ear infections are also found to aggravate the ringing in the ears.
If ringing in the ears is directly coinciding with pulse it is known as pulsatile tinnitus.
There could be several other conditions that can cause ringing in the ears like hypertension in the muscles, Lyme disease and sleep paralysis.