How to Arrange a Christ-Themed Valentine Floral Centerpiece
- 1). Select a medium-sized deep bowl to hold your centerpiece. Add a piece of florist foam to the bowl to provide structure for your centerpiece. Use a small amount of double-sided adhesive if you worry about the foam shifting in the bowl.
- 2). Insert an aluminum cross in the center of your florist foam. Attach red hearts on both sides of the cross at the crosspieces. Another option is to use the double rings on the crossbars if your married couples' group sponsors the Valentine event.
- 3). Choose your flowers based on floriography, the language of flowers. Include flowers and greenery that speak love such as forget-me-nots, asters, carnations, maidenhair fern, honeysuckle, lavender and passion flowers. Artfully combine the flowers so that they surround the cross in a colorful mixture. Stick the stems into the floral foam so the flowers stay in place if the bowl is moved.
- 4). Write references to Scripture about love on thin strips of colored paper. Ideas include John 3:16, Ruth 1:16-18, Ephesians 5:25 or Colossians 3:19. Curl the strips and attach them to green floral skewers and arrange them in your flowers like ribbons.
- 5). Write 1 John 3:11, "We should love one another" or 1 Corinthians 13:13, "Three things will last forever --- faith, hope, and love --- and the greatest of these is love" on a red ribbon and tie it around the top edge of the bowl.
- 6). Set a Bible on the table in front of the centerpiece with all of your Scriptures marked with different colors of ribbon that match the flowers in your centerpiece. Encourage the couples to take the time to read the Scriptures during the event.