Erb"s Palsy and Childbirth
Erb's Palsy is one of the most famous types of long-term damage that can occur as the result of birth injuries.
Also known as Erb-Duchenne Palsy and Brachial Plexus Palsy, it is the paralysis of an arm caused by injury to the nerves of the upper arm, usually during the birthing process.
Depending on the severity of the injury to the nerves, it may necessitate therapy or even surgery.
In some cases, the injury is so slight that it resolves itself over a period of a few months.
However, it's always a good idea to consult with a doctor about the seriousness of the injury.
While it is not always limited to birth injuries, an abnormally difficult birth process is the leading cause of Erb's Palsy in the United States.
Called dystocia, a difficult or abnormal labor process can cause additional force to be exerted on the infant; many cases are caused by the baby's head and neck being moved as the shoulders are passing through the birth canal.
If your child suffers from a birth defect caused by improper medical care, the doctor may be held accountable for the injury.
An experienced medical malpractice or personal injury lawyer may be able to get you the money you and your child deserve.
The Medical Effects The effects of Erb's palsy can be severe if untreated or improperly treated.
Some of the most common signs and effects include: · The loss of feeling in the upper arm, which can lead to paralysis.
· The paralysis and resulting atrophy of several muscles of the arm, including the deltoid and biceps.
· When it occurs in young children or infants, the affected arm can be permanently withered and poorly developed.
The bones, muscles, and fingers of the affected arm may underdeveloped and noticeably smaller than the other arm.
Improperly treated Erb's Palsy can have an enormous effect on the sufferer's life.
It can lead to life-long disability and deformity, and can seriously affect his or her quality of life.
If someone you love has been injured in this way, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your loss.
It can help to discuss your case with an experienced personal injury attorney.
Also known as Erb-Duchenne Palsy and Brachial Plexus Palsy, it is the paralysis of an arm caused by injury to the nerves of the upper arm, usually during the birthing process.
Depending on the severity of the injury to the nerves, it may necessitate therapy or even surgery.
In some cases, the injury is so slight that it resolves itself over a period of a few months.
However, it's always a good idea to consult with a doctor about the seriousness of the injury.
While it is not always limited to birth injuries, an abnormally difficult birth process is the leading cause of Erb's Palsy in the United States.
Called dystocia, a difficult or abnormal labor process can cause additional force to be exerted on the infant; many cases are caused by the baby's head and neck being moved as the shoulders are passing through the birth canal.
If your child suffers from a birth defect caused by improper medical care, the doctor may be held accountable for the injury.
An experienced medical malpractice or personal injury lawyer may be able to get you the money you and your child deserve.
The Medical Effects The effects of Erb's palsy can be severe if untreated or improperly treated.
Some of the most common signs and effects include: · The loss of feeling in the upper arm, which can lead to paralysis.
· The paralysis and resulting atrophy of several muscles of the arm, including the deltoid and biceps.
· When it occurs in young children or infants, the affected arm can be permanently withered and poorly developed.
The bones, muscles, and fingers of the affected arm may underdeveloped and noticeably smaller than the other arm.
Improperly treated Erb's Palsy can have an enormous effect on the sufferer's life.
It can lead to life-long disability and deformity, and can seriously affect his or her quality of life.
If someone you love has been injured in this way, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your loss.
It can help to discuss your case with an experienced personal injury attorney.