How to Reverse the Chi
- 1). Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, and leave it there throughout the exercise. Focus on the area right between your navel and sexual organs. Chi is believed to be stored in this area. Visualize a tingling and expansion of energy flowing from this area.
- 2). Visualize the energy moving in a spiral motion through your sexual center to the perineum and down the insides of each leg to the soles of your feet.
- 3). Bring the energy back up to the soles of the feet to the perineum between your legs again. Visualize the energy going into your sacrum at the lower point of the spine. Draw the energy up the spine to the base of the skull.
- 4). Visualize the energy going up to the crown area of your head. Visualize moving the energy to the midpoint area between your eyebrows.
- 1). Imagine energy flowing from the spot between your eyebrows to the tip of your nose. Visualize bringing the energy down a little bit after 10 minutes. Visualize the energy flowing backward to the crown of your head again. Let the energy sit there a minute, as all the energy flows back from the mid-eye area.
- 2). Visualize moving the energy between the shoulders on the back, and then bring it to the area of your back directly opposite the navel. Let the energy sit in this area until you feel tenseness in your forehead. Visualize the energy going to the perineum area again and then down the inside of each leg. Let the energy stop at the soles of your feet until they begin to feel warm.
- 3). Imagine raising the energy to the front of the big toes, and then up the knee and back to the perineum. Bring the energy to the navel point and visualize additional chi being gathered from this region.
- 4). Raise the Chi energy to the heart, through the throat and directly through your tongue. It should pass through the roof of your mouth. Move the energy back between your brows. You have completed the microcosmic orbit exercise by reversing the Chi.
Microcosmic Orbit
Reverse the Chi