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Anna Hazare and the revolt of 1857

May 10th is a red letter day in annals of Indian History. On this day, in year 1857, Indians revolted against the tyranny of British imperialism. King size ego of European Masters was cut to size. But the revolt wasn't well organized. Apart from loyalty to motherland, there were several other reasons for raising sword against the British. Spirit of nationalism was not a common and uniting factor. Hence it couldn't become a fight to finish. Nevertheless, it did hit the nail on head. British realized Indians couldn't be taken for granted. Accordingly they made sweeping changes in their administrative set up and governance policies.

                        Today the common Indian is again bestirred. This time the issue is corruption in public life. Even as corruption got accepted as an ugly wife, suddenly we see a wall between the couple. The wall is Anna Hazare. The English were well entrenched in Indian environs when the soldiers, the saints and the common man turned tables on them.  Likewise, Hazare phenomenon has injected a new wave of patriotism in all sections of Indian society. Will this uprising meet same fate as one of 1857? A failed rebellion crushed by the imperialist forces? A battle destined to see light of the day some 9 decades later on? Answer to this question lies in nationalism. Are Anna supporters all a group of die hard nationalists? How many of them are morally upright in thoughts and deeds? Are they sans the opportunists and revelers who sank the mutiny of 1857, helping enemy against their very own people?

                        Things first happen at mental level, before transpiring into material world. Innermost thoughts do find an excuse to come out in open. Excuse was provided by gross contempt of whites for the welfare of Indian soldiers and the farming community. Fillip to religious conversions and teaching of English language added fuel to fire.  There was mayhem and blood bath as Indian soldiers gunned down their English commanders, and common man on street followed suit. On the flip side, Anna is the much ignored Indian ethos which has suddenly sprung to feet, and refuses to lie low. Honesty is no more a joke. In late seventies, a film starring Manoj Kumar, our very own Mr. Bharat, had a super hit song: Jai bolo beyimaan ki. And we had a hearty laugh, but realized soon enough that enough was enough.  That dishonest can't be hailed for long. Chaudhary Charan Singh, our PM for a brief period, always regretted downslide in moral values and exhorted people to isolate dishonest from their midst. Thanks to Anna, honesty is back into fashion, or so it seems. Thanks to Mangal Pandey, sacrifices of several known and unknown martyrs of 19th century reached a crescendo. Thanks to martyrs likes of Satyendra Dubey and Manjunath, 21st century India woke up to grim realities of corruption in public life. Like 1857, Anna Hazare is a phenomenon waiting to happen. The two events have much in common. Many sided with the British and saved them from the wrath of freedom fighters. In return they were profusely rewarded. Today we have many saying Anna is blackmailing the government. What he is doing is against the spirit of Indian constitution. So on and so forth. Cow protection, coincidently, isn't as critical an issue as it was in those days. Nevertheless, it is on ascendency. Celebrating birthday by feeding cows in cowsheds is becoming popular with children as well as grown-ups. Blood less nature of Anna's revolt is a significant plus.

                        Contemporary historian Henry Mead had this to say about the uprising of 1857: Lopsided and skewed Political vision of the government was directly responsible for instigating Indian soldiers to revolt. To some extent, this applies to present scenario as well. Politics, as of now, is more of a power game than a sanctum sanctorum of sacrifice and public welfare. Put common man in place of soldiers,  voice of sanity in place of guns and our corollary completes.

                        Success of Anna's revolt will depend on how organized its leadership is, and how faithful his followers. How many of his foot soldiers are nationalist at heart and how many have other axes to grind. How many of them are plain revelers and opportunists. Yet it must succeed if India must become a superpower sooner than later. Even if it loses steam, the Indian polity is bound to change for better, as happened post 1857. That indeed augurs well for 21st century India.
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