When Death Comes to Your Family
When Death comes to Your Family it is not something you plan on.
You might think that you are ready for anything.
I know firsthand that you never expect to lose a child.
My oldest son had turned 20 just 23 days earlier.
He had so much going for him and was expecting his first child in 3 months.
One week to the day later was his Wife's Birthday.
A Birthday she will never forget.
He was on his way to work one night and as usual the line at the entrance extended for several blocks in this small neighborhood.
My son was waiting in the dark when a train with no lights and no sound of a horn came flying through the intersection.
He was hit broadside.
He tried to move, but because of the cars in line he couldn't.
He was not the first nor was he the last to lose his life at this crossing.
You wonder what might have been if he was just a minute earlier or later.
I was already in bed when I got the call.
I was 5 hours away.
I was in a state of shock thinking it could not be real.
I remember the long road that my husband drove down getting me to the hospital.
When we arrived there I was so out of it.
I look back and say what really happened? Family and friends lined the hallway of the hospital.
This could not be happening.
I couldn't go through heartache.
As I write this I still cry and wonder why? But I have to say "God only you know why and why this happened.
Every year I do a Memorial on my two favorite social networking sites in Honor of My Son.
He may be gone but in my heart the Love is still strong for him.
His daughter was born 3 months and 1 day later on Christmas Eve.
She is such a joy and I Thank God for her.
Not every family gets to have a piece of their departed child to hold and hug.
Every year she grows more like her Daddy.
Although never meeting him she has traits and actions that are so much like him.
Some people say "Don't dwell on the past.
Live for the future!" But to a Mother that has lost a child, that child was the future.
I carried him for 9 months, nurtured him and watched him grow.
It takes someone that has never lost a child to make the statement you have got to get over it.
My Son has been gone 10 yrs and I still see things that I want to tell him about.
I can say the days have gotten easier to live without seeing him.
But all it takes is a word or seeing something that reminds me of him.
You don't get over it.
You might think that you are ready for anything.
I know firsthand that you never expect to lose a child.
My oldest son had turned 20 just 23 days earlier.
He had so much going for him and was expecting his first child in 3 months.
One week to the day later was his Wife's Birthday.
A Birthday she will never forget.
He was on his way to work one night and as usual the line at the entrance extended for several blocks in this small neighborhood.
My son was waiting in the dark when a train with no lights and no sound of a horn came flying through the intersection.
He was hit broadside.
He tried to move, but because of the cars in line he couldn't.
He was not the first nor was he the last to lose his life at this crossing.
You wonder what might have been if he was just a minute earlier or later.
I was already in bed when I got the call.
I was 5 hours away.
I was in a state of shock thinking it could not be real.
I remember the long road that my husband drove down getting me to the hospital.
When we arrived there I was so out of it.
I look back and say what really happened? Family and friends lined the hallway of the hospital.
This could not be happening.
I couldn't go through heartache.
As I write this I still cry and wonder why? But I have to say "God only you know why and why this happened.
Every year I do a Memorial on my two favorite social networking sites in Honor of My Son.
He may be gone but in my heart the Love is still strong for him.
His daughter was born 3 months and 1 day later on Christmas Eve.
She is such a joy and I Thank God for her.
Not every family gets to have a piece of their departed child to hold and hug.
Every year she grows more like her Daddy.
Although never meeting him she has traits and actions that are so much like him.
Some people say "Don't dwell on the past.
Live for the future!" But to a Mother that has lost a child, that child was the future.
I carried him for 9 months, nurtured him and watched him grow.
It takes someone that has never lost a child to make the statement you have got to get over it.
My Son has been gone 10 yrs and I still see things that I want to tell him about.
I can say the days have gotten easier to live without seeing him.
But all it takes is a word or seeing something that reminds me of him.
You don't get over it.