How to Increase Hemoglobin Naturally
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Leafy greens like artichoke are a rich source of iron.Artichoke Plant image by Joelyn Pullano from
Stock up on iron-rich natural foods. Meat; green leafy vegetables; egg yolk; dried fruit, such as almonds prunes and raisins; whole grains; seafood, such as oysters, clams and scallops; and pulses, such as beans, lentils and chickpeas; soya beans; liver and artichoke are some iron-rich natural foods. Your diet should include several of these foods on a daily basis. - 2
Foods rich in vitamin C content will help your body absorb iron better.vitamin c image by timur1970 from
Increase your vitamin C intake: If you wash down an iron-rich food with orange juice (rich in vitamin C), then your body will absorb the iron more rapidly. If you cannot stomach orange juice every time you eat an iron-laden food, then be sure to make a small meal of other vitamin C sources, such as apricots papaya, strawberries and blackberries. Have these immediately after eating an iron-rich food through the course of the day. Add bell peppers (a source of vitamin C) to your iron-rich meals to help speed up absorption. - 3
Basil is a kitchen garden herb that can power your meals with iron.basil_window image by cilin from
Add healthy herbs to your diet: Beetroot is a well-known blood purifier, naturally rich in iron. Take plenty of beetroot in soups, teas and as a vegetable preparation. The rosemary leaf is also high in iron content. Make tea with an infusion of these leaves in boiling water. Basil herbs are also a potent source of iron, with 3.17 mg/100 g of fresh leaves (about 26% of one's RDA or required daily allowance). Basil can be easily grown in a kitchen garden and sprinkled in soups, sandwiches, sauces and gravies. - 4
Pumpkin seeds are a healthy natural source of iron.Pumpkin Seeds image by Sarpy from
Include edible seeds: Pumpkin and squash seed kernals (1 oz roasted) will provide 4.2 mg of iron. These seeds can be easily incorporated into your diet. You can eat these raw, or add them to vegetable and gravy preparations. You can enjoy pastries like pumpkin pie. Its subtly sweet taste and crunchy texture will keep you feeling fuller as well. - 5
Your energy and stamina should improve with iron-rich meals.running image by Byron Moore from
Monitor your iron levels: Moniter your iron levels every six months and talk to your doctor about the changes you've made to your diet. Keep track of how you feel after including iron-rich foods in your meals. If you are less run-down and tired, you are certainly on the right track!
Raise Your Hemoglobin Count the Natural Way