The Newbie Guide for Women to Trim Their Inner Thighs With Kettlebells
For women everywhere, there's a problem they face, and that is the burdensome fat which builds up around the hips, thighs, and buttocks. It's a condition some people will refer to as cellulite, seeking a variety of cellulite quick-fixes to eliminate the condition when all it could really take is an excellent workout routine, using just the one kettlebell.
It genuinely is that simple.
A misconception women have though is that kettlebells are used for gaining lean muscle mass. That's not true. Why don't many women train with kettlebells then? Far too often it's just for the sheer fear that the outcome will be packing on bulk muscle. That's not going to happen though.
While kettlebells can be used for gaining lean muscle mass, you have to use exercises categorically for that purpose, and in-line with a fine-tuned nutrition plan in place to help reach those goals. Those goals can be met using kettlebells, as the workout routines focus on using a ballistic training style, rather than the grind routines used for muscular gains.
The difference to using kettlebells opposed to a traditional dumbbell pertains to the muscles being used with the lifting technique. A dumbbell/barbell requires you to work the pectorial muscles, whereas kettlebell lifts are a totally different technique.
During the exercise, the kettlebell becomes almost like an arm extension, and the user only holding the handle. The right technique is to engage the body core, and you do that by pushing with your feet in an explosive movement. That will force your ab muscles, and other muscle groups around the buttocks area to contract.
That technique brings a hip thrust into action, engaging all the crucial muscle groups to trim the fat from the thighs.
When you're doing so, the body gets a couple of exercise types.
Strength-training and cardiovascular training - both from the 1 workout routine. It's a double benefit which no other workout regime, or fitness equipment can provide.
The kettlebell does, and that's exactly why the reason why every woman should be armed with at least the 1 kettlebell. They are the greatest weapon in the fight against inner thigh fat.
If you don't know about fat burning then pay attention to this next piece of info.
Building muscle is critical for the body to burn fat. The more muscle mass, the faster the fat will shed.
Keeping that in mind, it is critical that any workout routines have an element of muscle building incorporated into them.
You can get that with kettlebells, or just the 1 kettlebell.
What you're not going to find happening is getting Popeye like arms. The cardio elements incorporated in the routines ensure that's not going to happen.
The aerobic element of the exercise burns the fat, whilst the strength building contributes to muscular gains, helping your body burn an increased amount of fat, from the instant you put the kettlebell down.
All you need to begin is just that one kettlebell. Certainly more cheaper than shopping for supplements, cellulite lotions or the likes to tighten the skin cells. Be sure though that the weight you train with is light. Heavier kettlebells are more taxing. It will result in slowing the exercise down, so, for beginners to kettlebells, a six KG KB is the best option. It's ideal to start practicing the lifting and gripping techniques so you can get to grips with the various workout techniques, but make sure you use progression, moving up to an 8 kilogram bell after around a month or thereabouts.
Subsequent to that, you should then continue training with progression in mind, pertaining to both the difficulty of the training, and the resistance you exercise with.
It genuinely is that simple.
A misconception women have though is that kettlebells are used for gaining lean muscle mass. That's not true. Why don't many women train with kettlebells then? Far too often it's just for the sheer fear that the outcome will be packing on bulk muscle. That's not going to happen though.
While kettlebells can be used for gaining lean muscle mass, you have to use exercises categorically for that purpose, and in-line with a fine-tuned nutrition plan in place to help reach those goals. Those goals can be met using kettlebells, as the workout routines focus on using a ballistic training style, rather than the grind routines used for muscular gains.
The difference to using kettlebells opposed to a traditional dumbbell pertains to the muscles being used with the lifting technique. A dumbbell/barbell requires you to work the pectorial muscles, whereas kettlebell lifts are a totally different technique.
During the exercise, the kettlebell becomes almost like an arm extension, and the user only holding the handle. The right technique is to engage the body core, and you do that by pushing with your feet in an explosive movement. That will force your ab muscles, and other muscle groups around the buttocks area to contract.
That technique brings a hip thrust into action, engaging all the crucial muscle groups to trim the fat from the thighs.
When you're doing so, the body gets a couple of exercise types.
Strength-training and cardiovascular training - both from the 1 workout routine. It's a double benefit which no other workout regime, or fitness equipment can provide.
The kettlebell does, and that's exactly why the reason why every woman should be armed with at least the 1 kettlebell. They are the greatest weapon in the fight against inner thigh fat.
If you don't know about fat burning then pay attention to this next piece of info.
Building muscle is critical for the body to burn fat. The more muscle mass, the faster the fat will shed.
Keeping that in mind, it is critical that any workout routines have an element of muscle building incorporated into them.
You can get that with kettlebells, or just the 1 kettlebell.
What you're not going to find happening is getting Popeye like arms. The cardio elements incorporated in the routines ensure that's not going to happen.
The aerobic element of the exercise burns the fat, whilst the strength building contributes to muscular gains, helping your body burn an increased amount of fat, from the instant you put the kettlebell down.
All you need to begin is just that one kettlebell. Certainly more cheaper than shopping for supplements, cellulite lotions or the likes to tighten the skin cells. Be sure though that the weight you train with is light. Heavier kettlebells are more taxing. It will result in slowing the exercise down, so, for beginners to kettlebells, a six KG KB is the best option. It's ideal to start practicing the lifting and gripping techniques so you can get to grips with the various workout techniques, but make sure you use progression, moving up to an 8 kilogram bell after around a month or thereabouts.
Subsequent to that, you should then continue training with progression in mind, pertaining to both the difficulty of the training, and the resistance you exercise with.