How to File Immigration Papers
- 1). Visit the official USCIS website and click on the upper-left title called "Forms." This link takes you to a list of all immigration forms used for filing. The list indicates a title, form name, filing fee and edition for each form.
- 2). Find your appropriate immigration status either by title or form name for the application you wish to file. Click on the form link. This takes you to another page that lists the purpose of the form and additional details. At the bottom of the form information, you will find a link that takes you to the PDF version of the form and possibly a second link with form filing instructions.
- 3). Click on the form filing instructions before opening the form link itself. If a separate instructions link is not available, instructions for that particular form are found on the actual form. Carefully read the instructions for your form, as they will indicate where the form needs to be filed, how to answer specific questions and any additional documentation that you must provide with your application.
- 4). Open the form and follow instructions to complete the form information. Each form will request different information, but you can be sure that all forms will need your name, personal identification, travel information and immigration status, if applicable. Collect all passport and personal identification information for your spouse and any dependents, as many forms may ask for their information as well.
- 5). Complete the form and double check all information for typographical errors or misspellings, especially on personal identification information. Making changes to submitted immigration forms requires a great deal of time and no guarantee that corrections are made. USCIS adjudication agents are trained not to make any assumptions, thus even common sense errors might cause a delay or request for further clarification.
- 6). Prepare the filing envelope and follow direct filing instructions to locate the appropriate USCIS facility. In general, non-immigrant visa petitions are filed at either the Vermont Service Center or California Service Center, depending on which center your state is assigned. In the case of employment, file your petition at the center in charge of handling petitions from the state where you intend to obtain employment.