With Proper Diagnosis, Right Medications and Care, One Can Be Cured of Spondylolisthesis
If you have met with a serious accident and injured your spine recently, there might be a possibility that it can result into chronic pain and discomfort. In medical terms, this condition is called spondylolisthesis. There can be more than one cause leading to this condition or disorder. Spondylolysis is usually responsible for causing spondylolisthesis in human body. €Wear and tear€ of spine results in spondylosis and could occur due to a fatal accident.
However, often few individuals are born with this disorder. If one is into sports or gymnastics, he or she is likely to go through hyperextension of the back frequently which would ultimately cause repeated stress fractures to the spine. When an individual experiences stress fractures repeatedly, he or she becomes more vulnerable to this disorder. Aging is also considered one of the most prominent causes responsible for spondylitis.
There are several symptoms on the basis of which one can very easily figure out whether or not he or she is suffering from spondylitis or spondylothesis. Spondylitis can occur in neck as well but spondylothesis happens only in the lower back or lumbar spine of a person. The lower back is responsible for carrying out most of the weight. Along with bearing weight, lower spine also is believed to absorb most of the directional pressures as well. One who is suffering from this disorder is likely to experience pain in buttocks as well as in thighs. Stiffness in the back is also a very common symptom in spondylolysis. Along with that, tightening of hamstring muscles or localized tenderness over the pelvis bone and on the spine can also be major symptoms. Few patients also experience difficulty in controlling bladder as well bowel functions.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, first and foremost, your physician will probably ask you to get an X-ray done. Sometimes, the patients are asked to get an MRI as well as CT scan as well. Once your physician or doctor confirms that you are suffering from spondylolisthesis, you will have several options for spondylolisthesis treatment in India. Initially doctors opt for non-surgical methods by prescribing anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce the lower back pain the patient experiences. If you break down the term €spondylolisthesis', it would mean vertebra (spondylo) slip (listhesis). The disorder basically occurs when one vertebra slips over another. Non-surgical methods also include physiotherapy and acupuncture on a regular basis. But in case the patient doesn't respond well to the non-surgical methods including the medications, surgical methods are usually taken into considerations then.
Spondylitis however is not just restricted to lower back, it can occur in neck as well. While seeking help from the medical practitioners always makes sure that you go to a reputed and renowned medical facility or hospital. If you are about to opt for surgical methods, then it becomes very essential that you undergo the surgery in a good hospital where you can be taken care of properly. Most surgical complications become quite common in case you don't opt for the best hospitals and surgeons. Spondylitis treatment in Bangalore is well known all over India and the hospitals provide best care and facilities for the patients.
However, often few individuals are born with this disorder. If one is into sports or gymnastics, he or she is likely to go through hyperextension of the back frequently which would ultimately cause repeated stress fractures to the spine. When an individual experiences stress fractures repeatedly, he or she becomes more vulnerable to this disorder. Aging is also considered one of the most prominent causes responsible for spondylitis.
There are several symptoms on the basis of which one can very easily figure out whether or not he or she is suffering from spondylitis or spondylothesis. Spondylitis can occur in neck as well but spondylothesis happens only in the lower back or lumbar spine of a person. The lower back is responsible for carrying out most of the weight. Along with bearing weight, lower spine also is believed to absorb most of the directional pressures as well. One who is suffering from this disorder is likely to experience pain in buttocks as well as in thighs. Stiffness in the back is also a very common symptom in spondylolysis. Along with that, tightening of hamstring muscles or localized tenderness over the pelvis bone and on the spine can also be major symptoms. Few patients also experience difficulty in controlling bladder as well bowel functions.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, first and foremost, your physician will probably ask you to get an X-ray done. Sometimes, the patients are asked to get an MRI as well as CT scan as well. Once your physician or doctor confirms that you are suffering from spondylolisthesis, you will have several options for spondylolisthesis treatment in India. Initially doctors opt for non-surgical methods by prescribing anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce the lower back pain the patient experiences. If you break down the term €spondylolisthesis', it would mean vertebra (spondylo) slip (listhesis). The disorder basically occurs when one vertebra slips over another. Non-surgical methods also include physiotherapy and acupuncture on a regular basis. But in case the patient doesn't respond well to the non-surgical methods including the medications, surgical methods are usually taken into considerations then.
Spondylitis however is not just restricted to lower back, it can occur in neck as well. While seeking help from the medical practitioners always makes sure that you go to a reputed and renowned medical facility or hospital. If you are about to opt for surgical methods, then it becomes very essential that you undergo the surgery in a good hospital where you can be taken care of properly. Most surgical complications become quite common in case you don't opt for the best hospitals and surgeons. Spondylitis treatment in Bangalore is well known all over India and the hospitals provide best care and facilities for the patients.