Foods That Help Your Bladder
- Broccoli is thought to help prevent bladder cancer.broccoli image by timur1970 from
Bladder problems such as urinary tract infections (UTIs) and interstitial cystitis are often extremely painful. It feels as though you need to urinate constantly but cannot and when you do, it stings or burns. An overactive bladder is embarrassing as it can cause "accidents," while bladder cancer can be deadly. There are certain foods you should include in your diet for better bladder health. - Plenty of published studies have indicated broccoli helps to prevent bladder cancer. In one study from the journal "Cancer Research," freeze-dried broccoli sprouts were responsible for cutting the development of bladder tumors in rats by half.
- When you have an UTI, it means your urine is too acidic. Eating alkaline foods such as pears or bananas can help the condition.
- Acidophilus yogurt contains "good" bacteria that help to promote the health of the entire digestive tract. This means fewer harmful toxins will reach the bladder. Eat this yogurt to maintain bladder function and health.
- Drinking cranberry juice is well known to help relieve the symptoms of painful UTIs. Drink several large glasses at the first sign of symptoms. The juice stops bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urethra and helps clear the infection.
Alkaline Foods
Acidophilus Yogurt
Cranberry Juice