The Five Funniest Things You Can Say To A Telemarketer
Not all of us are suited to simply saying "not interested" and hanging up the phone on a telemarketer.
You may be among the growing number of people who are looking for new, interesting, and amusing way to deal with telemarketers and have a laugh at the same time.
There are, of course, an endless number of things that you could say to telemarketers that will be hysterically funny when you share the story with your friends - or when you just sit back and remember it later in the day.
You can even make up your own.
Here are a few to get your creative juices flowing:
Once you've practiced a few of these, you're sure to get the hang of it and be able to create your own fun and unique things to say to telemarketers.
After all, what better way to stop telemarketers from bothering you than to become even more annoying than they are?
You may be among the growing number of people who are looking for new, interesting, and amusing way to deal with telemarketers and have a laugh at the same time.
There are, of course, an endless number of things that you could say to telemarketers that will be hysterically funny when you share the story with your friends - or when you just sit back and remember it later in the day.
You can even make up your own.
Here are a few to get your creative juices flowing:
- Dial a long distance number into the phone and mutter that it isn't ringing.
If the telemarketer stays on the line, give it another try.
You can be persistent, too! - Insist on communicating only by using Morse code.
- Explain that "This line is for emergency use only," then ask "do you have an emergency?" If the answer is "yes", simply say "state the nature of your emergency".
No matter what the telemarketer says, insist that your policy does not consider that an emergency and hang up.
If they say "no" explain that you're sorry but "this line is for emergency use only" and hang up. - Pretend you have taken hostages and begin to list your demands - or - pretend that you are a hostage negotiator and tell the telemarketer that you simply cannot meet his or her demands and that they must release the hostages now.
- Throughout the conversation with the telemarketer, repeatedly ask for Bill.
- Before the telemarketer can even complete his or her introduction, shout "I told you, I don't know where your dog is" and slam the phone down.
Once you've practiced a few of these, you're sure to get the hang of it and be able to create your own fun and unique things to say to telemarketers.
After all, what better way to stop telemarketers from bothering you than to become even more annoying than they are?