They Are at it Again
There is a move a foot to eliminate broadcast television.
Are they serious? This is an assault on your right to know what is going on in your world.
In late 2009, U.
TV broadcasters suddenly found themselves under attack by the mobile industry, after the new officers of the Federal Communications Commission began asking for comments on how to increase the frequencies available for the wireless industry.
Some have proposed mixing the two together, on different channels that are already open (like white space), while other have proposed "repacking" some stations and forcing them off certain channels, just a few years after the same thing was done (with out compensation to the broadcasters) in the Digital transition.
Marshal Mcluen, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley and Marshal Mcluen, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley and Walter Cronkite must be spinning in their graves over this latest attack on their industry.
What is next? Will they want to eliminate radio broadcasting? Apparently we learned nothing from the Third Reich.
Control the media and keep the public in the dark about what is really going on.
I am surprised that the broadcast industry has not made a louder hew and cry over this.
There have been only a few commercials on the TV about this.
It us up to us to make sure that this insult to our right to be informed is not perpetrated on the American public.
We must take the initiative and let congress know we will not stand for it.
I urge you to contact your representatives and let them know that this is unacceptable.
It is bad enough that we had to buy new television sets or get a converter to be able to watch TV, let us not allow this latest war on public broadcasting be lost by our inaction.
To find who your congressman is: go to http://www.
html For your Senator: http://www.
cfm Thank you.
Are they serious? This is an assault on your right to know what is going on in your world.
In late 2009, U.
TV broadcasters suddenly found themselves under attack by the mobile industry, after the new officers of the Federal Communications Commission began asking for comments on how to increase the frequencies available for the wireless industry.
Some have proposed mixing the two together, on different channels that are already open (like white space), while other have proposed "repacking" some stations and forcing them off certain channels, just a few years after the same thing was done (with out compensation to the broadcasters) in the Digital transition.
Marshal Mcluen, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley and Marshal Mcluen, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley and Walter Cronkite must be spinning in their graves over this latest attack on their industry.
What is next? Will they want to eliminate radio broadcasting? Apparently we learned nothing from the Third Reich.
Control the media and keep the public in the dark about what is really going on.
I am surprised that the broadcast industry has not made a louder hew and cry over this.
There have been only a few commercials on the TV about this.
It us up to us to make sure that this insult to our right to be informed is not perpetrated on the American public.
We must take the initiative and let congress know we will not stand for it.
I urge you to contact your representatives and let them know that this is unacceptable.
It is bad enough that we had to buy new television sets or get a converter to be able to watch TV, let us not allow this latest war on public broadcasting be lost by our inaction.
To find who your congressman is: go to http://www.
html For your Senator: http://www.
cfm Thank you.