MIOSHA Guidelines
- MIOSHA Standard GI Parts 1-94 cover safety and health guidelines for general industry and manufacturing. They include safe ladder and scaffold use, fall protection and safe equipment use. These guidelines also protect the average office worker by addressing fire safety, use and storage of hazardous materials, and the use of personal protective gear. Standard GI also has specific sections that cover more specialized industry such as diving, transportation and public utilities.
- Section C, Parts 4, 11, 12 and 13 cover administrative and reporting guidelines for all industries in Michigan. This section provides guidelines for MIOSHA inspections and citations, as well as penalties associated with non-compliance. Part 11 addresses how job site injuries should be recorded as well as when they are serious enough to warrant a report to MIOSHA. This section also describes how a business can request a variance of a particular standard if they have special cause within their industry.
- Standard CS covers safety on construction sites, including fall protection, excavation and scaffolding. This section sets welding and cutting rules and employee protection during underground work. Blasting and explosives are heavily regulated, as well as fire prevention standards. Parts 15 and 16 cover electrical work and safe power distribution, while Part 19 sets standards for safe tool and equipment use. Safety gear such as harnesses and hard hats are tightly regulated in this Standard.
- MIOSHA Standard Section D explains health and safety requirements in agricultural settings. The use and maintenance of tractors and other large equipment is covered, along with training and safety of these machines. Part 37 of this section addresses the use of accident prevention tags and signals to help facilitate communication among workers. Logging and temporary agricultural employees are also covered in this section.
General Industry Guidelines
Administrative Rules
Construction Guidelines
Agricultural Standards