How to Access Food Pantries in Kent County, Michigan
- 1). Navigate your web browser to West Michigan United Way Community Resource Directory hosted by the Heart of West Michigan United Way. This website offers a database to locate food pantries within your city. If you do not have Internet access, call 800-887-1107 and ask the representative about food pantries in your area.
- 2). Navigate your web browser to and the page for Kent County, Michigan. This directory offers telephone numbers, street addresses and website information for food banks and soup kitchens in the Kent County area.
- 3). Call the Michigan Department of Education Food Commodities department at 517-373-4265 and ask the representative about food pantries in Kent County. The representative will then direct your phone call to a food pantry nearest you, as well as provide you with their physical address. You may also contact the Michigan State University Extension County Office at 616-336-3265 for information regarding food pantries.
- 4). Call or visit local churches. These houses of worship will provide information regarding food pantries, and some churches stock their own pantry for those in need.