How to Write a Letter of Continuance to a Judge
- 1). Contact the opposing party and ask if he objects to your request for a continuance of the court appearance.
- 2). Prepare your motion like you would any other court document with the case caption at the top, including the case number.
- 3). Write a paragraph that explains the reason why you are requesting a continuance. For example, you may write: "Now comes (plaintiff or defendant) and hereby requests a continuance of the (hearing) (trial) (pretrial) (status conference) scheduled for ______________, for the reason (plaintiff or defendant) [fill in the reason] has a prior scheduled hearing before Judge Jones. A copy of the notice to appear before Judge Jones is attached as Exhibit 'A'" I have contacted the opposing party and she does not have an objection to this request."
- 4). Date and sign your motion. Include a paragraph that states that you have provided a copy of your motion to the opposing party by regular mail.
- 5). Attach a copy of your supporting documents to demonstrate your conflict so that the judge knows your request is based on a legitimate reason.
- 6). Deliver the original motion to the clerk of court for filing. Keep a copy for yourself and send another copy to the opposing party.