Instant Acne Remedies You Can Use To Help Clear Up Your Skin Fast
Having suffered from acne in the past but overcome it now, I want to give you some instant acne remedies you can use to see a clear up fast.
One simple way to clear acne is by not overwashing your face.
Many people with acne problems think washing their face several times a day helps keep their skin "extra clean" and that this will help prevent acne.
The truth is that clean skin, whilst important is not the cause of acne.
In fact overwashing can worsen acne because it dries up the skin.
The body reacts by producing more skin oil.
This extra skin oil production actually causes more clogging of pores and more and worse acne! So the best thing to do is to wash your face just a couple of times a day.
This keeps it clean, but doesn't dry your skin out either.
This was the best cleansing tactic I used when I had acne.
The next thing you can do is switch to an oil-free moisturizer if you use an oil based moisturizer.
Obviously an oil based moisturizer clogs up pores with extra oil causing acne breakouts.
This helped improve my skin when I made this switch.
Something else I found useful when it came to cleansing my skin was to stop using chemical based cleansers.
These tend to dry the skin out and are very harsh for the skin.
Instead, wash your face with warm water.
And nothing else.
Although when you first start getting acne you may think these acne cleansers are doing something, really if you have chronic acne they aren't helping much and are likely making the problem worse.
Okay so much for the skin care aspects of acne.
These help a great deal and you'll see some improvement by making these changes.
However, to get to the root of acne you're going to have to make some internal changes.
This is because acne starts from the inside because the body becomes hormonally imbalanced.
A major cause of hormonal imbalance is food! Don't worry, only a few foods cause hormonal imbalance, but suffice to say that eating healthy foods such as vegetables, especially green vegetables, and eating oily fish will help balance your hormones and produce very healthy acne-free skin for a lifetime.
When I started eating green vegetables and oily fish, as well as making other changes that balance hormones, my skin cleared up from severe acne dramatically, and very quickly.
One simple way to clear acne is by not overwashing your face.
Many people with acne problems think washing their face several times a day helps keep their skin "extra clean" and that this will help prevent acne.
The truth is that clean skin, whilst important is not the cause of acne.
In fact overwashing can worsen acne because it dries up the skin.
The body reacts by producing more skin oil.
This extra skin oil production actually causes more clogging of pores and more and worse acne! So the best thing to do is to wash your face just a couple of times a day.
This keeps it clean, but doesn't dry your skin out either.
This was the best cleansing tactic I used when I had acne.
The next thing you can do is switch to an oil-free moisturizer if you use an oil based moisturizer.
Obviously an oil based moisturizer clogs up pores with extra oil causing acne breakouts.
This helped improve my skin when I made this switch.
Something else I found useful when it came to cleansing my skin was to stop using chemical based cleansers.
These tend to dry the skin out and are very harsh for the skin.
Instead, wash your face with warm water.
And nothing else.
Although when you first start getting acne you may think these acne cleansers are doing something, really if you have chronic acne they aren't helping much and are likely making the problem worse.
Okay so much for the skin care aspects of acne.
These help a great deal and you'll see some improvement by making these changes.
However, to get to the root of acne you're going to have to make some internal changes.
This is because acne starts from the inside because the body becomes hormonally imbalanced.
A major cause of hormonal imbalance is food! Don't worry, only a few foods cause hormonal imbalance, but suffice to say that eating healthy foods such as vegetables, especially green vegetables, and eating oily fish will help balance your hormones and produce very healthy acne-free skin for a lifetime.
When I started eating green vegetables and oily fish, as well as making other changes that balance hormones, my skin cleared up from severe acne dramatically, and very quickly.