Weevils in Fruit Trees
- Weevils are considered abundant and damaging pests in many states. Numerous species of weevil can inflict damage on fruit trees, and the most likely species to do so depends both on the type of fruit tree you are growing and on the geographic area in which the fruit trees are growing. The group of weevil species known as citrus root weevils are particularly problematic in states where citrus production is economically important such as Florida. Damage is typically caused by weevil larvae that feed on tree roots.
- Given the large number of weevil species that can potentially damage fruit trees, symptoms of weevil larvae damage can differ somewhat, but usually you can identify feeding damage by the presence of "notching" of the margins of leaves and on new shoots. If a weevil population is not controlled, feeding damage can inflict serious harm to the tree, sometimes even total defoliation. Though weevil damage rarely causes tree death, it can diminish your tree's fruit yield, so immediate action is necessary when a weevil infestation is discovered.
- As is usually the case with insect infestations of trees, effective control begins with choosing a cultivar of citrus tree that is naturally resistant to weevils. Keeping your tree in good health can go a long way in preventing an infestation, since weevils prefer to infest trees that are already in a stressed state. If your tree is already infested, you can introduce natural predators to the tree that will kill or parasitize the weevils. Weed control has been shown to be effective at controlling weevil populations by reducing the number of non-citrus-tree host plants that weevils also infest.
- Serious infestations may require the use of chemical pesticide. You can use any improved insecticide approved for use against weevils and safe for use on fruit trees. Note, however, that you should resort to pesticides as a last resort; chemical pesticides can reduce the population of the weevils' natural predators and counter-intuitively lead to larger weevil populations. Use chemical pesticides only after exhausting other control methods.
Weevils in Fruit Trees
Damage Caused
Natural Control Methods
Chemical Controls