How to Make a Digital Montage
- 1). Open the photo editing program. Find the "File" menu item at the top of the screen, and open a new file. Select desired output size in inches, resolution (300 ppi for printing and 72 ppi for web display) and background color if you don't want to use a background image. Now you have a new project window open.
- 2). Scan any print images that you want to use. Under "File," choose "Open File." Select the file from the browse window. Repeat this step for each image that you want to use in your montage.
- 3). One at a time, drag and drop each image from its layers window thumbnail into the new project window. Each image will now be listed in the layers palette of your new project as a separate layer. Whichever layer is active will be highlighted in the layers window of the new project.
- 4). Click on the selection tool. Select the section of the image that you want to "cut out" from the rest of the image. Go to menu item "Edit" and choose "Cut."
- 5). Click on your new project background to activate it. Go to menu item "Edit" and choose "Paste." A new layer containing your cut-out image will appear in the layers window.
- 6). Find the layer in the layers palette that contains the unwanted portions of the original source image. Click on the thumbnail to select the unwanted layer. Delete the unwanted layer by dragging it into the trash can icon at the bottom of the layers palette.
- 7). Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each source image. Again, select the layer you want to affect each time by clicking on it in the layers palette.
- 8). Select any layer you want to change the position. Move layers around to create a more attractive composition. Click the move tool in the toolbox. Use it to drag and rearrange your cutouts.
- 9). Add effects. Change the level of transparency a layer has by adjusting the "Opacity" percentage slider, usually located in the upper right corner of the layers palette. Change the size of a layer by going to "Edit" > "Transform" and adjust the bounding box. Constrain proportions by holding down the "Shift" key. Change the hue, saturation and contrast of colors by going to "Image" > "Adjust" and selecting one of the listed options. Add artistic effects such as textures and distortions by going to "Filter."
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Right click any layer in the layers palette and choose "Duplicate Layer" if you want to add a different effect to a copy of the same image. - 11
Save the file to your hard drive. Print the image out or upload it to the Internet.