Pure Pitch Method - How to Choose the Right Ear Training Course
There are so many ear training courses available at the moment, how can you tell which one's really work? Read on to find out what to look out for in an ear training course and why I recommend the pure pitch method...
I've been playing the guitar now for almost 15 years.
Although I am a very proficient player, it always felt like something was missing.
I can read and write music and have a pretty good understanding of music theory, but there is one skill I had never been able to master...
perfect pitch.
If you're reading this, you're probably in a very similar situation to me.
You can play an instrument pretty well, but you feel like your ears often let you down.
Like you, I finally decided enough was enough and I got myself some perfect pitch tuition...
are here's what I found...
Most courses...
Unfortunately, I initially forked out quite a lot of cash on a couple of courses that ended up being absolutely useless.
The first course came on a bunch of CDs (very expensive) with no accompanying literature.
I found the course difficult to follow and the exercises were extremely repetitive and dull - I gave up within a week.
A couple of months passed and I decided to to give it another shot.
I did some research this time and found a much cheaper course that came as a download.
Within a week I was making pretty good progress, again the lesson were very repetitive and boring but I decided to stick with it this time.
Then, out of the blue the course started to get extremely technical and I found it impossible to follow.
As I mentioned I have a pretty good understanding of music theory, but I was totally lost.
I listened to the lessons over and over again, but I couldn't make any sense of it.
I was so disappointed I actually got my money back.
The pure pitch method...
About a month ago a musician told me about a new course he had recently used...
the pure pitch method.
He was raving about how effective the course was and how easy the pure pitch method was to use and understand.
I was a little skeptical after two failed perfect pitch attempts, but I gave in and decided to download it and give it a try.
I've been using the pure pitch method for about a month now and I'm almost finished.
I can now name all 12 notes, and most chords instantly and my new skill has become my favourite new party trick.
It took a while, but I finally found a course that worked for me.
I've been playing the guitar now for almost 15 years.
Although I am a very proficient player, it always felt like something was missing.
I can read and write music and have a pretty good understanding of music theory, but there is one skill I had never been able to master...
perfect pitch.
If you're reading this, you're probably in a very similar situation to me.
You can play an instrument pretty well, but you feel like your ears often let you down.
Like you, I finally decided enough was enough and I got myself some perfect pitch tuition...
are here's what I found...
Most courses...
Unfortunately, I initially forked out quite a lot of cash on a couple of courses that ended up being absolutely useless.
The first course came on a bunch of CDs (very expensive) with no accompanying literature.
I found the course difficult to follow and the exercises were extremely repetitive and dull - I gave up within a week.
A couple of months passed and I decided to to give it another shot.
I did some research this time and found a much cheaper course that came as a download.
Within a week I was making pretty good progress, again the lesson were very repetitive and boring but I decided to stick with it this time.
Then, out of the blue the course started to get extremely technical and I found it impossible to follow.
As I mentioned I have a pretty good understanding of music theory, but I was totally lost.
I listened to the lessons over and over again, but I couldn't make any sense of it.
I was so disappointed I actually got my money back.
The pure pitch method...
About a month ago a musician told me about a new course he had recently used...
the pure pitch method.
He was raving about how effective the course was and how easy the pure pitch method was to use and understand.
I was a little skeptical after two failed perfect pitch attempts, but I gave in and decided to download it and give it a try.
I've been using the pure pitch method for about a month now and I'm almost finished.
I can now name all 12 notes, and most chords instantly and my new skill has become my favourite new party trick.
It took a while, but I finally found a course that worked for me.