The Pros of Having an Electric Oven
- While any type of oven is a costly investment, an electric model tends to have a lower price tag than gas models. According to Energy Guide, an informational website regarding energy options, the purchase price of a gas model may be as much as 50 percent more than an electric version. While the cost to run a gas oven is usually less than electric, if you are on budget, the initial price of an electric oven may be easier to handle.
- You can usually start an electric oven simply by turning a knob or pressing a button. With a gas stove, you may need to light the pilot light, which requires striking a match and reaching inside the oven. When you are in a hurry to cook dinner for your family, the ease of starting an electric stove can be extremely convenient.
- With an electric oven, you can set the controls to a precise temperature, and the oven produces even, steady heat. Because a flame is present, a gas oven's heat is often uneven and harder to control. It can get too hot as well, which may be a problem for recipes that call for baking at lower temperatures. An electric oven can provide extremely low heat as well, so you can prepare the most delicate of dishes.
- When you use an electric oven, the heat generated by the appliance is confined mainly to the oven itself. Because less heat escapes from the oven into the room, your kitchen doesn't become uncomfortably warm or stuffy, and your cooling system doesn't need to work as hard.
- Because an electric oven doesn't have a pilot light that requires lighting, open flames or a steady supply of combustible gas, it can be a safer option for your kitchen. A gas oven poses the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning or spontaneous combustion. Because there is no combustion with an electric oven, it cooks more cleanly than a gas model and presents less danger.
Easy Startup
Precise Temperature Control