How to Make a Baseball Headboard
- 1). Trace a large circle on the plywood. Make the diameter of the circle as big as the width of the bed. For example, a twin bed is 39 inches wide, so make the circle 39 inches across.
- 2). Set the ends of the plywood on the two saw horses. Put on your safety goggles. Cut out the circle using the jigsaw.
- 3). Sand the edges of the plywood circle smooth. Sand the top of the plywood as well.
- 4). Apply a coat of white paint to the top and sides of the plywood baseball. Allow it to dry for several hours, and then paint another coat.
- 5). Draw two semi-circles across the plywood with the pencil so that it looks like the red stitching on a baseball. Go over the pencil lines with the red paint.
- 1). Trace a circle shape onto the plywood that is as wide in diameter as the width of the bed. Place the plywood on the two saw horses and carefully cut out the circle using a jigsaw. Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes.
- 2). Sand the edges and top of the plywood smooth.
- 3). Draw a circle on the 2-inch thick foam. Make the foam circle as big as the plywood circle. Cut the foam circle using the electric knife.
- 4). Spray the top of the plywood with the adhesive and position the foam on top.
- 5). Lay the white fabric face down on a flat surface, and then place the upholstery batting on top of it. Center the plywood on the batting and fabric, foam side down.
- 6). Fold the edges of the fabric and batting over the backside of the plywood. Pretend you are wrapping a round present. Pull the fabric taut and place a staple in the center of the edge on the left side. Staple in the center of the edge on the right side, and then staple in the center of the top edge. Staple the fabric and batting to the center of the bottom edge as well. Keep the fabric pulled tight. Add more staples all around the edge of the circle to hold the fabric in place. Space the staples 2 inches apart.
- 7). Trim any excess fabric when you're finished stapling.
- 8). Turn the headboard over. Draw the stitching lines across the top and bottom or two sides of the circle. Thread the hand sewing needle and carefully stitch the red lines onto the headboard. Paint the stitch lines if stitching them seems too difficult.
- 1). Place two flush mounts on the top of the headboard and two on the bottom. Drive screws through half of each mount to mount it to the back side of the headboard.
- 2). Find a stud to which to anchor the other halves of the mounts. Use the drill to screw the mounts to the wall. Use wall anchors if you can't find studs.
- 3). Slide the headboard onto the wall so that the mounts interlock.
Painted Headboard
Upholestered Headboard
Mount the Headboard