Dump Kyoto II Treaty for a Lighter Version: The California Terminator Treaty
The Kyoto Two treaty could be a terrible problem for first world industrialized nations.
The only thing that is constant is change and it is obvious that there are changes and normal cycles in the climate here on earth.
This should be recognized and it makes sense to clean up our act.
Nevertheless if we destroy our civilizations in trying to comply with such an onerous treaty and to do so in a linear way with selective enforcement on certain nations while other nations like China get away with no environmental fixes then we do a disservice to the human species.
Additionally one should consider that it takes no brainpower at all to pollute or to liter for that matter.
It takes no brainpower to throw trash in the street or create waste.
Mankind is quite good at that and they have been doing it for a very long time.
It is time for humankind to grow up and consider alternative energies, recycling and best management policies, which do not destroy our economy, but rather consider moderation as the best policy.
We must understand that a single volcano somewhere in the world could put out in one day the amount of pollution that an industrial nation will put out in three months time.
That does not mean we should pollute our environments and say it is no big deal, but rather consider ways to trim our pollution output in the present period.
You see, if we fail to curb our pollution we will pay higher health-care costs in the future due to the poisoned water we drink and the dirty air we might breath.
It is time for the United States of America to take the leadership position and put forth a more relevant and fair treaty for our atmosphere on earth without destroying our civilizations.
This has to be a win-win situation for all or it will not work.
Since only the United States of America has proven itself to be ethical in its business dealings and somewhat ethical in its political posturing compared to other nations, it is time for us to take a stand and do the right thing for the right reasons, for the future of our nations.
Thank you for listening and vote for Lance.
The only thing that is constant is change and it is obvious that there are changes and normal cycles in the climate here on earth.
This should be recognized and it makes sense to clean up our act.
Nevertheless if we destroy our civilizations in trying to comply with such an onerous treaty and to do so in a linear way with selective enforcement on certain nations while other nations like China get away with no environmental fixes then we do a disservice to the human species.
Additionally one should consider that it takes no brainpower at all to pollute or to liter for that matter.
It takes no brainpower to throw trash in the street or create waste.
Mankind is quite good at that and they have been doing it for a very long time.
It is time for humankind to grow up and consider alternative energies, recycling and best management policies, which do not destroy our economy, but rather consider moderation as the best policy.
We must understand that a single volcano somewhere in the world could put out in one day the amount of pollution that an industrial nation will put out in three months time.
That does not mean we should pollute our environments and say it is no big deal, but rather consider ways to trim our pollution output in the present period.
You see, if we fail to curb our pollution we will pay higher health-care costs in the future due to the poisoned water we drink and the dirty air we might breath.
It is time for the United States of America to take the leadership position and put forth a more relevant and fair treaty for our atmosphere on earth without destroying our civilizations.
This has to be a win-win situation for all or it will not work.
Since only the United States of America has proven itself to be ethical in its business dealings and somewhat ethical in its political posturing compared to other nations, it is time for us to take a stand and do the right thing for the right reasons, for the future of our nations.
Thank you for listening and vote for Lance.