Live in Antarctica!
Son: Daddy, we are very much afraid.
Daddy (surprisingly): What is the matter, son? Son (visibly sad): Daddy, what is frightening me and our friend is that everyday we watch television channels and read newspapers and all of them report that our earth is getting warmer day by day.
Daddy: what is frightening in that, son? Son: One day this heat will become sufficient enough to dry our life, the life of our cattle and wild life.
That will be not enough for this heat monster, it will not spare even our food, vegetables and fruit plants and all our vegetation we have on the earth.
Daddy (still cool minded):Really, son? Son (with confidence): Yes father.
I am terribly upset because you, mom, my sister, my friends my neighbours, my teachers and everybody will be killed by the increasing heat as it will dry all of them.
Daddy (still not upset): How son? Son (with his disturbed face and with some anger): You do not understand! Father, there will be no food for us.
So what shall we eat ?and there will be no oxygen also to breathe because oxygen giving plants will also dry up.
So How shall we survive? We are definitely going to die.
Everybody is going to die; nobody will survive ( he pauses a little and ponders and says to his father).
Father, I have a great idea that could save our life from the enormous heat our earth will have one day.
Daddy (becoming curious): What is that? Tell me immediately, son.
Son (his face shows some sign of relief): Father, let us buy a piece of land on the moon.
Daddy (surprisingly): Oh, really very great idea! But son, I am afraid how can we survive on the moon? Son (confidently): By the time the earth becomes too warm, our science will make the surface of moon capable for human settlement and we will be safe on the moon, we will not die! Daddy (Thinks and then says ): Son, fine.
I will buy you a piece of land on the moon.
But son, you know I will stay here on the earth only, the most beautiful of all the heavenly bodies known to mankind.
And I am not going to leave this green planet; I am not going to miss the scenic beauty and the great varieties of plants, animals ,birds and other forms of life here because I will be safer here.
Son (vey much surprised): Why father? How will you be safer here when the earth will turn into a hotter planet, daddy? I really do not understand your mind.
Daddy: I will shift to the Antarctica.
Son ( thinks): So what? Daddy :By the time the rest of the earth becomes too hot to support the life elsewhere.
This part of earth will have amazing life;As the rest of the earth will get hotter day by day, this part will get more comfortable to support life for plants and animals, including human being, day by day.
Son (very curious): I am not sure how it is possible.
Daddy (with great confidence ): Son, the excess of heat on the earth will gradually start melting the ice cover on the Antarctica.
the increasing temperature in this part of our planet will start a process that is supposed to support the plants and animal.
While the other part of the earth will be losing life , this part will be gaining life forms because of the changing climate.
Son (with increased curiosity): Really daddy? Daddy: Son we will have nice temperature there, a calming temperature, in between the range of 5- 10 degree celsius.
We will have here a good surface without ice cover and it will have plenty of vegetations.
We will also have, unpolluted air, unpolluted water, unpolluted soil and organic food to eat.
The increase in temperature will bring enormous change at this place ensuring evolution of a altogether new climate fit for our life! Son (becoming extremely happy): It will become a new home for mankind - a 100% pollution free area! Will it not? Daddy: exactly, this part will become a heaven on the earth.
So how can I leave the earth, my dear son? Son (with cool and happy mind): Daddy I Have decided to stay with you, not on the moon, which has a harsh climatic and other conditions unfavourable to all kinds of life!
Daddy (surprisingly): What is the matter, son? Son (visibly sad): Daddy, what is frightening me and our friend is that everyday we watch television channels and read newspapers and all of them report that our earth is getting warmer day by day.
Daddy: what is frightening in that, son? Son: One day this heat will become sufficient enough to dry our life, the life of our cattle and wild life.
That will be not enough for this heat monster, it will not spare even our food, vegetables and fruit plants and all our vegetation we have on the earth.
Daddy (still cool minded):Really, son? Son (with confidence): Yes father.
I am terribly upset because you, mom, my sister, my friends my neighbours, my teachers and everybody will be killed by the increasing heat as it will dry all of them.
Daddy (still not upset): How son? Son (with his disturbed face and with some anger): You do not understand! Father, there will be no food for us.
So what shall we eat ?and there will be no oxygen also to breathe because oxygen giving plants will also dry up.
So How shall we survive? We are definitely going to die.
Everybody is going to die; nobody will survive ( he pauses a little and ponders and says to his father).
Father, I have a great idea that could save our life from the enormous heat our earth will have one day.
Daddy (becoming curious): What is that? Tell me immediately, son.
Son (his face shows some sign of relief): Father, let us buy a piece of land on the moon.
Daddy (surprisingly): Oh, really very great idea! But son, I am afraid how can we survive on the moon? Son (confidently): By the time the earth becomes too warm, our science will make the surface of moon capable for human settlement and we will be safe on the moon, we will not die! Daddy (Thinks and then says ): Son, fine.
I will buy you a piece of land on the moon.
But son, you know I will stay here on the earth only, the most beautiful of all the heavenly bodies known to mankind.
And I am not going to leave this green planet; I am not going to miss the scenic beauty and the great varieties of plants, animals ,birds and other forms of life here because I will be safer here.
Son (vey much surprised): Why father? How will you be safer here when the earth will turn into a hotter planet, daddy? I really do not understand your mind.
Daddy: I will shift to the Antarctica.
Son ( thinks): So what? Daddy :By the time the rest of the earth becomes too hot to support the life elsewhere.
This part of earth will have amazing life;As the rest of the earth will get hotter day by day, this part will get more comfortable to support life for plants and animals, including human being, day by day.
Son (very curious): I am not sure how it is possible.
Daddy (with great confidence ): Son, the excess of heat on the earth will gradually start melting the ice cover on the Antarctica.
the increasing temperature in this part of our planet will start a process that is supposed to support the plants and animal.
While the other part of the earth will be losing life , this part will be gaining life forms because of the changing climate.
Son (with increased curiosity): Really daddy? Daddy: Son we will have nice temperature there, a calming temperature, in between the range of 5- 10 degree celsius.
We will have here a good surface without ice cover and it will have plenty of vegetations.
We will also have, unpolluted air, unpolluted water, unpolluted soil and organic food to eat.
The increase in temperature will bring enormous change at this place ensuring evolution of a altogether new climate fit for our life! Son (becoming extremely happy): It will become a new home for mankind - a 100% pollution free area! Will it not? Daddy: exactly, this part will become a heaven on the earth.
So how can I leave the earth, my dear son? Son (with cool and happy mind): Daddy I Have decided to stay with you, not on the moon, which has a harsh climatic and other conditions unfavourable to all kinds of life!