What Advantages Can Sign Language Offer Over Spoken Language?
- While people often consider sign language to be for deaf people, signing also can be a useful tool for communication between two people who can hear. If you are in an environment that is really loud, such as a concert or a bar, signing can be a useful way to communicate a quick message to a friend, such as who you just met or where you are going. Conversely, you may be in a place that requires strict silence. If you need to say something to a friend, you can use sign language. One caveat: Others may "overhear" your conversation.
- Some people learn sign language to communicate with people who are hearing-impaired or deaf. Some deaf people learn how to speak, but they still might feel more comfortable signing. In addition, knowing sign language is a skill that could make you more marketable to potential employers.
- Communities that are developed around sharing sign language are full of unique cultural experiences. Deaf people enjoy many of the same actives that other people do, such as poetry, songs and jokes. Experiencing these arts through sign can bring a richer experience than just hearing the words. Many communities offer groups and meeting places for people to sign with each other, and anyone, deaf or hearing, can join.
- When you use sign language instead of speech, you stimulate a different set of brain cells. Sign language uses spacial cues and motor skills that might be better understood by someone who identifies as a visual learner. Teaching signs to babies can help them develop more advanced spacial skills as well as communication skills. When a baby is unable to talk yet, he still might be able to master basic signs that allow him to communicate his needs to his parents.
Communication with the Hearing
Communication with the Deaf
Experiencing Deaf Culture
Developmental Benefits