Resolving Acne with Energy Symbols
Inflammatory acne is a source of heartache for many young people and even some adults. This type of acne can be defined as red blemishes or pimples as well as larger, deeper swollen tender lesions. The possibility of resolving inflammatory acne eruptions would be a welcome answer to the prayers of everyone who suffer from this dilemma. This problem can cause a social stigma for those afflicted and even lead to serious depression. A simple and very effective method that could halt blemishes in their early stage can be found with in a simple energized drawing called a glyph. The bacteria known as Propionibacterium that is responsible for causing acne can be eliminated by the glyph. The energy that is a part of the glyph is capable of completely destroying most any bacteria. At the first sign of a skin eruption, the small glyph can be taped over the sensitive spot and left on while sleeping. This can totally halt the development of the blemish.
One should be aware, however, that any treatment for acne is only suppressing the symptoms. At the base of the problem there are always emotional causes. Resolving these emotional problems can be helpful in gaining freedom from reoccurring skin blemishes. Diet is also an important factor. Although the medical establishment denies any relationship between acne and diet, many people who have made drastic changes by the addition of fresh fruits and vegetables and the elimination of sugar, processed oils and other processed foods, experienced a significant improvement in their complexion. From the book "The Ultimate Live-Food Cookbook," Sergei Boutenko states that his face became clearer after his mother initiated a raw food diet for their entire family when they were beset with serious medical problems. I am not suggesting that everyone should eat only raw food but healthy eating and drinking plenty of pure water always produces good results in every person's complexion.
One should be aware, however, that any treatment for acne is only suppressing the symptoms. At the base of the problem there are always emotional causes. Resolving these emotional problems can be helpful in gaining freedom from reoccurring skin blemishes. Diet is also an important factor. Although the medical establishment denies any relationship between acne and diet, many people who have made drastic changes by the addition of fresh fruits and vegetables and the elimination of sugar, processed oils and other processed foods, experienced a significant improvement in their complexion. From the book "The Ultimate Live-Food Cookbook," Sergei Boutenko states that his face became clearer after his mother initiated a raw food diet for their entire family when they were beset with serious medical problems. I am not suggesting that everyone should eat only raw food but healthy eating and drinking plenty of pure water always produces good results in every person's complexion.