Mite Home Remedy
- An infestation of ear mites in your pet's ears can damage his hearing or even cause hearing loss, so it's important to treat for ear mites as soon as you realize there's a problem. Ear mites may also open the door to secondary infections which can cause even more problems.
- The herbal medicine, yellow dock, is effective for pet ear mites when diluted with water. Echinacea and vitamin C taken orally will help strengthen your dog's immune system so he is less prone to infections from ear mites.
- Oil smothers ear mites, and has the dual effect of easing your pet's pain at the same time. Corn oil, mineral oil and almond oil all can have a positive effect. A mixture of oregano and olive oil can also be swabbed in your pet's ears for relief. If your dog doesn't have open sores, swapping with diluted vinegar can help remove mites. Frequent shampooing of your pet, especially with a flea shampoo, helps prevent the spread of the mites.
Herbal Remedies
Home Remedies