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Direct Sales and Home Parties Business Success and Marketing Tips!

Can I ask you to remember how excited you were the day you decided to be a successful Home Party Business Consultant? How did you feel? 

If you were like me you were terribly excited.  You had been searching for quite a while and had racked your brain with possibilities as you thought about how to book home parties. You were determined, you were thrilled, and let’s face it you were a little fearful -- both at the thought of all you could achieve and quite frankly at the possibility of failure. 

However, with all the Self-confidence and commitment to make your mark in the business world made you feel certain of success.  And why not, after-all as a [wo]man thinketh so is [s]he!

You even entertained the notion of quitting your dead end job.  YEAH STICK IT TO YOUR JOKE OF A BOSS…HMMM…WHY NOT!!!!  I can almost see you with a smirk on your face as you say bye to your co-workers!

I bet the night you put your Jenny Hancock on the dotted line you were unable to sleep as you were envisioning how many friends and family were going to hop on and work with you to achieve yours and their dreams of a secure financial future.

I also know that as time passed, things are not falling into place quite the way you had envisioned.  If anything it seems like as Alice In Wonderland not only are you like the Red queen running around in circles, you also just went down the rabbit hole only to find yourself in the middle of a home party scenario very much like that of the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party!

Hang tight, tap your little red heels three times and voila home party plans success is now yours – Just as soon as answer these questions:

Question #1: “Do you need more customers?”
Question # 2: “Do you want those customers to spend more with you?”
Question #3: “Do you want your customers to return over and over again?”
Question #4: “Do you want them to refer their friends?”

Deadly Home Party Plans Business Mistakes

Experience shows that most home party businesses prospects start their business with a specific goal in mind (financial freedom, quite my job, retire my wife/husband, stay home with the kids, travel, you the usual) but no specific plan to make it happen.

Fact is…

-    Entrepreneur Magazine

You see just like you, I was at one time a struggling home party consultant, not a unlike a drowning man clutching to a straw. My journey into the industry began at the age of 15 when my loving mother, determined to become financially independent enrolled to become an Herbal Life Distributor. I remember she would try and elicit interest in my brother and I, with promises that if we were dedicated we would reap great benefits.

Sadly I thought it very embarrassing and demeaning to peddle material goods to people who did not seem interested and mocked us.  My mothers’ tenacity and boldness was not lost on me.  I pursued the home based business industry and sure enough as it always happens, opportunity met preparation!  I have had the opportunity to work with some notable experts in the MLM/Network Marketing Industry and have seen & received veritable success.

About 4 years ago, I came again to the home party plan industry in desperation after losing my job and not having a means by which to make ends meet, I joined a Health and Wellness Company

When I started in the Home Party Plans/Network Marketing Industry I had zero skills- I had no sales skills, no marketing skills, no confidence, no direction, no warm market, a shoestring budget that I wasted instantaneously.  I had no clue, and I will tell you what, neither did my uplines. 

My friends and family shunned me in the fear that I was going to try and sell them!

Even today as I share my story with other home party consultants, I still get the same response, well building a business is hard work, you should have worked harder.  Thank goodness for cloning that was going to be my next step!

Well by then I had come to the painful realization that lack of market research, lack of training and education, and failure to keep up with the trends, lack of follow up and follow through and working my warm market were the biggest variables that lead to the 95% failure rate in this industry.

Deadly Home Parties Business Mistake

Lack Of Market Research

Imagine that you hold in your hand an invitation to a very prestigious event, let’s say the America Medical Association Annual Achievement Dinner.  Ok you are probably thinking to yourself, why would I be invited?  I am not a physician.  Precisely my point!  Why would you waste precious time and money inviting or for that matter attending a big to do about a subject that does not interest you, or in which you are clearly not a qualified expert!

So back to the statement about the 95% failure rate.  It is also widely known that 95% of the bulk of any business problems we face are directly traceable to a lack of understanding of the core values of those to whom you want to sell your products and services too! 

Then of course there is the other glaring statistic that 95% of the worlds wealth is owned by 5% of the worlds population…

So what exactly does market research have to do with the price of bread in china?  Well everything if you live close to Russia.

Following are some of the complaints that I hear from home party sales representatives:

*I am not able to sell

*My living room, garage and bedrooms have all turned into a product storage warehouse!

*My husband, my wife has turned to giving me the stink eye as a way of communicating with me!

*My spouse is threatening to cut me off financially if I don't turn a profit ASAP!

*My friends and family avoid me and are tired of my schemes!

*My upline keeps calling asking me to take one for the team and double my product volume!

*I am tired of buying leads, using the 3-foot rule and talking to dead beat leads!

*My no-show rate is so high.  No one attends my home parties.

*The trainings are repetitive, useless rah rah rah !

*I have spent 1000's of $$$ and in 5,6,7 months haven't enrolled anyone!

Effective market research, eliminates these on going problems.  What good if any can be accomplished from market research?

1.    Market trends which are currently dictated by the price of gas, accessibility and well the economy, voting…
2.    Understand your potential buyers core values, in other words, why would they choose to buy or not to buy from you
3.    Understand the needs, wants and fears of your soon to be clientele
4.    Get a leg up on your fellow home parties competitors and also borrow from their ih home show success manuals.
5.    Allows to determine your worth.  Let’s see you are a mother, friend, lover, wife, chauffer, nurse, chef, teacher, psychologist and the list goes on.  Market research gives you the opportunity to create a profile of those persons who qualify for your time, why? Well have you ever tried to enroll someone into your business who didn’t have a computer, no credit card, no job only to have them occupy precious space in your organization doing absolutely nothing? Find out the proper channels for communicating and disseminating information
6.    Brand yourself as an expert in the industry. People will go out of their way to be associated with a brand…don’t believe me well why are you a Mary Kay Rep?  I am sure the pink Cadillac or pink Escalade has nothing to do with it!  How about sitting over there going, I am with Arbonne International?  What exactly does a white Mercedes say about you?  You see the car brands you as a successful home party consultant.  It means you have made it.  Me, well I am all about Gucci, Prada, and Coach, we all love the exclusivity that name brands offer, what is your brand!
7.    Allows you to invest in training, education and development.  A home-based party plan business is a business, there is a learning curve.
8.    Determine a marketing budget and your allocation of funds, there is nothing like lack of funding to kill a business.
9.    Allows you to fine tune your process.  This is called creating a business plan.  No one ever leaves on a long journey without a starting point and a destination in mind. A well oiled machine, is the most effective vehicle for getting from point A, to point B!  A good business plan is what separates the pretenders from the contenders! A marketing system is essential to ones’ success.

10.    Allows you to build on a very important asset called relational capital.  Let me explain. Deborah who has one of the few blogs related to home party plans details why many of you are consistently struggling to genrate home party plan sales!

Home Party Plans Success Tip
: Thou Shalt Know Thy Neighbor before you invite her/him to a home party. Relational capital is well, getting to know you, getting to know all about you!

Most people in home party opportunities do not get beyond the gate because they do not take the time to learn and commit to the necessary action to build their business.

To be successful in any worth while venture, you must have a goal.  Then you need to put into place the infrastructure that will allow you to smoothly navigate your path.  Along the way you are bound to meet bumps on the road.  The question is, do you want to know ahead of time what bumps you will encounter or do you want to be pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised?

Party Plan Pat’s Parting thoughts...
What most home party plan consultants and home party plan sales representatives do not realize is that a home party plan business opportunity is the business of marketing!  Regrettably, many of those who pursue this industry have no idea how to market or promote {their home based home party plan business)! 

For More Deadly Home Party Plans To Avoid Like the Plague, Head on over to and get your free copy of 10 Deadly Home Party Plans Business Mistakes!
To Your Success,
Patricia Kagwiria Makhulo
“Party Plan Pat”
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