Should You Sell To Be Successful In Network Marketing?
A basic reason why many network marketers fail in trying to get leads and
retail their products is simply because the fail to make a clear distinction
between selling and marketing. An understanding of this clear difference will
make a large difference in your life once you implement what you learn.
Well if you ask me, I would say no because I hate selling and so does many
network marketers. I rather not talk to anyone about my business opportunity. I
feel so bad when I get rejections from people who do not want to patronize me,
I feel worse when people feel I'm getting on their nerves.
However, I discovered over a long time that you don't have to sell anything to
be successful in network marketing. You just have to market. To market means
building relationship with so many people at the same time in your niche
You have to brand yourself first by doing list building. When you list build,
you generate so many targeted prospects at the same time and build relationship
with them. Once that is accomplished, you find out exactly what the needs of
your market is and you find a product to fill that need.
That is marketing, the only factor that can help you to successfully market
your opportunity to the majority of people. Selling on the other hand tries to
get the person to buy a product by pitching that product continuously without
considering the real needs of the individual involved.
Why selling can work for some people who are trained at sales, it can not work
for everyone. When you use marketing to move your products, instead of
selling, you are way ahead of the masses.
Interestingly, you can make all your marketing possible using nothing but the
power of the Internet. Meaning you don't have to speak with people or meet with
them unless they call you on phone and you don't have to bother yourself with
calling them till they have indicated interest in your opportunity.
With the Internet, you can afford to target your audience very well and get the
exact people who need to join a business opportunity like the one you will be
providing to them.
To learn more, download my free report, "How to build a quick downline" here:
Build A
Downline! []
retail their products is simply because the fail to make a clear distinction
between selling and marketing. An understanding of this clear difference will
make a large difference in your life once you implement what you learn.
Well if you ask me, I would say no because I hate selling and so does many
network marketers. I rather not talk to anyone about my business opportunity. I
feel so bad when I get rejections from people who do not want to patronize me,
I feel worse when people feel I'm getting on their nerves.
However, I discovered over a long time that you don't have to sell anything to
be successful in network marketing. You just have to market. To market means
building relationship with so many people at the same time in your niche
You have to brand yourself first by doing list building. When you list build,
you generate so many targeted prospects at the same time and build relationship
with them. Once that is accomplished, you find out exactly what the needs of
your market is and you find a product to fill that need.
That is marketing, the only factor that can help you to successfully market
your opportunity to the majority of people. Selling on the other hand tries to
get the person to buy a product by pitching that product continuously without
considering the real needs of the individual involved.
Why selling can work for some people who are trained at sales, it can not work
for everyone. When you use marketing to move your products, instead of
selling, you are way ahead of the masses.
Interestingly, you can make all your marketing possible using nothing but the
power of the Internet. Meaning you don't have to speak with people or meet with
them unless they call you on phone and you don't have to bother yourself with
calling them till they have indicated interest in your opportunity.
With the Internet, you can afford to target your audience very well and get the
exact people who need to join a business opportunity like the one you will be
providing to them.
To learn more, download my free report, "How to build a quick downline" here:
Build A
Downline! []